



#Oscars2020 #Oscars #Joker。

  1. SJWs and Puritans: cancel Joker film because too much violence

    Me: Too late for you haters, Joaquin Phoenix wins Best Actor for 92nd Oscar awards


  2. OMFG PEOPLE! Just enjoy the movie for the other damn aspects like acting, the plot and the writing! The cinematography! Gender and color doesn't mean shit here! The most important thing is talent and skill. That's the reason why people are successfull. Just enjoy the movie, it's fictional. God damn. People nowadays

  3. SERIOUSLY our nation is full of a bunch of self entitled crybabies these days. This is what happens when you get participation ribbons instead of having to earn 1st 2nd or 3rd place.

  4. Joker movie is exceptional, because it´s all fantasy of Arthur Fleck. If one follows the story, Arthur never left the Arkham mental hospital. Follow the white rabbit and it takes you to journey to mentally ill man´s mind.It´s all of his mind and the audience even believes that those things happened, but they did not. Study your own feelings what is off…Everything must go. And it did.

  5. The best movie of the year is 1917. It is simple as that. Joaquin may win the best actor award. But Joker is not best movie. Best director will not be Rian Johnsson, It will be Sam Mendes. Best sound design and best music will be 1917. Take my word for it

  6. I loved Joker. Probably fav film of the year. I get that a gritty, dark movie of this caliber is not for everybody. But if you call it 「mediocre」, you』re clearly being a troll.

  7. I suppose they might be somewhat close to happy if the Academy would (1) give a best director nomination to Greta Gerwig for Little Women, and (2) erase all other nominations for all other movies except for Harriet, because…. diversity. Oh, and (3) have Saoirse Ronan nominated for Best Actor so that both her and Cynthia Erivo could both win., and (4) have Laura Dern nomininated for best supporting actor so she and Florence Pugh could both win. And (5) of course no wins for Charlize Theron or Margot Robbie because they protrayed employees of Fox News and Orange Man Bad…. , and…. (9,999) because, really, the list would never end.

  8. They don』t care about the film being mediocre, they』re just mad that a film with black people and women didn』t win. The people out there just feel like defending what doesn』t need defending makes them special.

  9. I feel bad for Joaquin Phoenix and the Writer/Director of this movie. I love this movie. Bought it online, full price , I love it so much. I feel somehow represented in my mental illness and abusive childhood.
    But this bs, whether or not the Oscars go their way, may put them off a sequel or a similar project. I hope not but o wouldn』t blame them if it did. If I』m tired of it I can only imagine how exhausting it is for them.

  10. Rian Johnson will not win for best director cause Quentin Tarantino and Sam mendes have the highest chance. I love Rian Johnson though and definitely glad he was nominated.

  11. Did they forget that moonlight won best picture a few years back, and green book last year, and mahershala Ali won best actor too? I'm no logistics expert but I think the movies with POC do pretty good too

  12. You know what's funny? I'm a writer. I know the pain. And I know . . . These trash people. You see, it all started with a dream. I wanted to be liked. But to be honest . . . Anyone can do that . . . Right? No. Not so. I had a story. No. I had ten. Ten, that were one story, which was changed, and then turned down. My time wasted. And worst of all . . . I was shamed . . . What for? Trying. Daring to question "authority". Not thinking about "a target audience". Well I had a demographic in mind. It just wasn't them.

    I had an idea, for a show. For a franchise. The idea, was basically about a homeless God. But he just looks like any bum out there, and he lives on Earth. He was born into the God business, making him a very weak God without any education, besides the sights before him. He would learn that the world is both beautiful and ugly through the eyes of an orphan child, seeing the helpless people, in a world of discourse, diversion, and fearmongering, as kids played mindlessly, and their parents worrying more and more about the world's future, with each and every passing day. The orphan would show the homeless God the innocence of a corrupted world. And the Homeless God would show the child that the world is broken, and that there is a way to fix it. The story was changed multiple times. They disagreed with having the orphan a boy. I thought this was okay. Then they wanted the main character, the God I temporarily referred to as "Person Man", as a Nod to the They Might Be Giants song, Particle Man, they wanted to change him as wall, and they wanted her to be called Aphrodite, and they wanted her to essentially be a Mary Sue, same with the orphan. Already, they were trying to change the premise, and I was having none of it. Then they wanted to make it a Superhero movie? And retconned the whole "Homeless God helps homeless child learn, and vice versa" for a progressive theme, that couldn't stick to a wall made of industrial adhesive, to save it's own skin! And we're only at the third attempt they made to change my image! By the way, if you're wondering why I'm not giving any names, I'm legally obligated to not do so. Just like I'm legally obligated to never use my own property they stole, and never planned to use.

    Thanks Hollywood.

    Anyways, one day they come to me, and they practically tell me to drop the entire thing, and make a new one from scratch, with an entirely new premise, a year into its production! So, I said what any logical human being would say. "Sod off, you greasy crotch crustacean". They didn't like that one bit, but already I saw no point in caring, since sharing is caring, and the assholes were dirty thieves. Plus, I'm not the first one they've done this to, and I only know because they told me so, as a "warning". Oh, and let's not forget the many times I walked off set, and found someone "powdering" their nose, to only berate me for watching them do it. Any reports I made of this were ignored. So I eventually worked drug addicts into my story, as a big "fuck you" to all of Hollywood. They instantly took me aside, locked us in a private room, and spat pure acid into both of my ears. Saying I'd never make it in this industry if I don't shut up and do as I was told. Funny, last I checked they asked me what who was supposed to do, and when, based off the script I wrote. But you know these famous types, apparently they just never listen to what they're told, if they simply don't like the movie. Which is idiotic, because their expensive lifestyles rely on them taking any damned job, whether they like it or not. Trust me, "face powder" is expensive over in California! So the asanine dickholes ought do their job, to get their fix. A basic concept, that even Hollywood producers fail to understand, and they deal with this bull on a regular basis. So, after many threats, script changes, and one night, of violent drinking, I quit. And left a horrid mess out of their props. I was fined for the destruction, but eventually portions of it were paid off, or they just decided it would be better to move on, and ignore that I ever existed. You know, like how they were to begin with.

  13. At the end of the day the oscars are stupid and should be boycotted until actual artistic merit is accounted for. Because you know what? A movie by the name of Ordinary People won back in the seventies during the same year that one of the Star Wars movies came out. If that isn』t an indication that the oscars are stupid I don』t know what is.

  14. I loved JOKER, but I respect the opinions of people who don't like it, whatever their reasons may be. Certainly, there are things about JOKER that I'm sure many people find off-putting for reasons irrespective of whether it's a "woke" movie. In fact, I've heard some right-wing, very anti-"woke" people say that JOKER is terrible! The fact that a critic writes for a media outlet should not disqualify that critic from giving a movie like JOKER a bad review if he or she believes it merits one.

  15. Joker isn't even THAT good a movie as most people claim, it's mostly good cinematography, a decent script, JP's great acting, crazy fandom and good timing, but I'm glad Phoenix' acting gets the attention he deserves… after so many 1st class roles that were as good as Joker (especially when it comes to mental health), but not nearly as acknowledged, e.g. The Master, You Were Never Really There, Her.

  16. The amount of work, and effort, and emotion that was put into 「Joker」 was insane. For it to be trashed like this is ridiculous. Joaquin and the crew on this movie deserve the recognition they』re getting. A movie for the Joker was long overdue, and they finally delivered, exceeding so many people』s expectations all the while. People just need to stay in their lane.

  17. These people think that they』re so smart, but really, they』re just dumb. By spreading this fake outrage over Joker, not only are they hurting their image as a credible source, they』re also running the risk of losing money like this guy says.

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