
2020年奧斯卡提名名單已經公布!這是我對今年奧斯卡金像獎提名人的想法和看法! 。

  1. I need to catch up with the list of movies, of course Scorsese would be your pick! Im gonna have to watch these before i put my foot in my mouth

  2. I have a lot of mixed feelings about the Oscars. I understand I don』t know the inner workings of films and what makes it great or not. BUT I feel like we watch the Oscars because we want to see our favorite actors/actresses win in what we thought (at the box office $$) was great! NOT the WHOLE show but c』mon! Every year it』s a charade of movies we haven』t heard of vs. same movies over and over in every major category. Your review reflects that. ANYWAYS – Leonardo DiCaprio is an amazing actor and has never been given justice Oscar wise. But as much as I didn』t want to see it – Phoenix won me over as the Joker big time. (That is more of a discussion lol) Irishman is on my list and I need to see it ASAP apparently lol. Marriage Story is also on my list and want to see it soon. The trailer really hit me in the feels. That』s my summary (could use a lot of discussion lol)! LOL loved the video Jared!! ??

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