
在2020年奧斯卡頒獎典禮上觀看HildurGuðnadottir接受JOKER音樂獎(原創配樂)。在Oscar.com和ABC應用程序中查看更多Oscar獲獎感言和要點! 。

  1. She's the second female composer to win an Oscar and an Emmy for music score since Rachel Portman. She's the second person to win an Emmy, Oscar, Grammy, BAFTA and Critics Choice award since Michael Giacchino. Hildur Guðnadottir is the third woman to win in the category since Rachel Portman and Anne Dudley. She becoming the fourth woman to be recognized for her score at the Oscars, as well as the first woman to win since the Original Dramatic Score and Original Musical or Comedy Score categories were combined in 2000. She became the first woman to win Best Original Score.

  2. Graceful. Heartfelt. Soft-spoken yes, but pure with her message and delivery. And the score she composed was pretty much spot-on for the subject matter and tone of "Joker". I commend her and give her the due credit she has earned.

  3. When I was watching this with people in my dorm, I shut them up because I wanted to listen to what she had to say. She』s just so adorable and charming that her speech is one of the few speeches that makes me smile.

  4. She』s such a humble person and you can tell how overjoyed she is just to be there. Proud she gave a shoutout to everyone.

    We need more people like this in film.

  5. As I recall, the joker theme from the dark knight was pretty great as well. Something about the character of the Joker seems to bring out great music.

  6. I hope these people know what it means as an aspiring artist to hear such heartfelt, inspiring words towards other creatives with their own dreams while accepting these awards
    Whenever I need inspiration I watch these things. She seems to be a lovely woman.

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