腐敗是巨大的!如何種腐敗工具! -魔獸世界:艾澤拉斯之戰8.3


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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. Corruption just cripples or kills you. It's not good. There's nothing good about it. It's a PENALTY for getting good gear. It's ruined the game and driven a lot of players away. To make it work, cleansing should be FREE on every piece of corrupted crap you get. As of now, cleansing it is near impossible so it makes them junk. I scrap EVERY piece of this garbage I pick up because it's unplayable. There's nothing worse than picking up a really good drop and seeing that it's corrupted. If it wasn't for scrapping, it would be vendor trash.

  2. Idk, I got a ring with 75 corruption in the first week and it's useless, as you have nowhere near the resistance, it's pretty much kills you ?

  3. Ap,essences,ranking on cloak to level and corruption cleaning give me a headache. Can we get back to real wow please? As in badge of justice,valor vendor and daily dungeon for these things.

  4. I have to say, I didn't believe my friend when they said my WoW character was in this run but low and behold, there I am, with my trusty Chork & Nyx. Antë <3

  5. I』m gonna be talking about…. by the time you finished explaining what you were and were not going to talk about you could have been finished listing.

  6. They made this game so lame, Ill only play again when they fix this dumb shit. RNG morons, do vendors, whoever thought rng gear would be a great idea needs to be fired.

  7. Me in patch 8.3: Oh look, a corrupted item just dropped… Sweeet! Oh wait it's got random stats (like ever f00king thing in BfA) and corruption effects which are crap… back to farming. Yet another grind fest, I don't mind a bit of a grind but come on?

  8. Question.
    Will this lovecrafted gear drop at any level? Only world quests in zones like legion and BFA? Only world quests in BFA zones?
    Or do they only start dropping when you are 120 and have unlocked your first heart of azeroth trait/received the quests to start the questline to getting the cloak?
    I have been trying to get my crowns eternalised from the lunar festival, and leveling a vulpera since 8.3 so I haven't done anything with the questline to get the cloak.

  9. In the ptr professions were corrupted and now their not, all this time I've played since the new patch and only have had one corrupted piece from first assault. I thought professions were gonna be viable again

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