Billie Eilish和Brad Pitt Oscars 2020最佳裝扮

Billie Eilish,Florence Pugh,Renee Zellweger,Brad Pitt,Charlize Theron,Leonardo DiCaprio,Cynthia Erivo,Joaquin Phoenix,Margot Robbie,Timothee Chalamet,Scarlett Johansson,Blac Chyna等人更是入圍2020年奧斯卡最佳服裝榜。
 #BillieEilish #BradPitt #BlacChyna

18歲的Billie Eilish在2月9日的2020年奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮上經歷了一段令人毛骨悚然的時刻!才華橫溢的歌手坐在觀眾席上,當47歲的滑稽女演員瑪雅·魯道夫(Maya Rudolph)和46歲的克里斯汀·威格(Kristen Wiig)開始歡笑地演唱部分歌曲時,包括「這些靴子是為沃金而作」和「紅衣女郎」,然後為奧斯卡頒獎典禮。最佳服裝設計獎,在某一時刻,相機顯示出她似乎從笑到鬼臉!儘管看上去Billie可能一直在向Maya和Kristen的面孔張開眼神,但可能是她意識到相機在她身上搖攝時引起了她的反應。無論哪種方式,這絕對是一個難忘的時刻!


Billie Eilish Grimaces At Maya Rudolph & Kristen Wiig During Their Oscar Bit — Watch

由Nicolas Gonzalez生產@nictack






我們每天為您帶來有關賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber),凱莉·詹娜(Kylie Jenner),賽琳娜·戈麥斯(Selena Gomez),卡戴珊(Kardashians)等的最新名人新聞。 。

  1. The reason I look up to Billie is because 1. Her music is amazing and the fact that finneas and her made music at their house (I』m not sure of any of this so pls don』t hate) 2. She doesn』t ever wear revealing clothes and she』s just a great person in general

  2. Ganaste el oscar y la torre ifel att iluminati

    Sigeme en pagina estoy en todo existir

    Fama para ustedes


    El lider 183838392

    El gana 18283829w

    El que no ven y les dice todo 38383

    El que vio a el gama 29292

    El que dice que eres 3922

    El que te elige 38282

    Anunakis y ilumianis ahora la fama es el creador

    Existe sksks222

  3. CT always has a pretty necklace. And the pink dresses are pretty. Maybe the actors should come to the awards as their last character so we recognize them. When I role played as a kid I loved connecting to the character! 😀

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  5. Billie is a good entertainer. Remember though she and her brother (that does not get the credit) were home schooled and trained her entire life. Her mother being an actress and singer, made Billie a cream, to rise to the top quickly. There are so many people struggling to perform.

    She has amazing voice control but she is a nobody without her brother. She does not give him the recognition he so deserves.
    Just sayin…

  6. Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson and Billie Eilish were all the people I recognized. and why does everyone look so depressed and sad to be there. I mean I know the "In Memoriam" was sad but it's still the Oscars!

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