可靠的內部消息提及索尼「重製」了PS5 // $ 500怪物來了嗎?

最近,我從一位可靠的內部人士那裡得到了一些信息,他不經意間提到了索尼正在「改造」 PS5。他們沒有詳細說明這是什麼意思,但是如果這是真的,可能會產生很大的影響。索尼即將推出的下一代遊戲機周圍有很多漏洞和謠言,其中許多都集中在規格和功能上。有泄漏稱PS5總共有9.2次觸發器,但也有內部人士聲稱PlayStation 5非常強大,甚至在某些方面甚至超越Xbox SeriesX。儘管我們許多人為即將到來的PS5揭幕活動和PlayStation獨家遊戲大肆宣傳,但我們也渴望了解有關PS5內含的Gpu,Cpu,RAM和SSD的更多信息。



  1. Update: The insider has confirmed that this "rework" which he is now calling it a "re-planning" of sorts, did in fact happen but it was early on in the PS5's development a few years ago at this point. So it seems the rumors of Sony going for a 2019 PS5 Launch then scrapping them for a more powerful better performing PS5 2020 launch early on are true. This is actually good news as it means there's a good chance the PS5 will be very very powerful.

    Important side note: If this rework is real, it happened some time ago, possibly even up to 1-1.5 years ago. There is no rework happening right now and what we are discussing will have no impact on the PS5 Launch happening at the end of this year. I noticed some people are a little confused.

    Be sure to leave the video a like if you enjoy it.

    This is the first time I believe we are hearing someone who has inside information reference Sony reworking the PS5 to some extent. This is all they said but it makes you wonder what the implications could be if it's true. Do you believe what this person is saying and if so, what do you think Sony decided to "rework" with the playstation 5?

  2. Could be the Ray Tracing mystery hardware that puts it over the edge. PS2 and PS3 with their custom chips had some very fast processing units. Maybe something added specifically for Ray Tracing.

  3. And here I am just finally adopting the 8th gen … Brand new PS4 Pro … And jst bought 25 or so of the best games for peanuts … I'm gonna enjoy the heck out of this until the PS5 Pro comes out, then I'll join y'all for gen 9. Feels comfy fams :3

  4. There is nothing that can be assumed from the guy's comment, but it's something to talk about for somebody that wants to make a video but has no ideas of their own.

  5. No, at this stage it's to late to change a spec. It takes years to plan a conole and rework at this stage means bug fixing. Sony can easily adjust clocks to improve power/performance if they have that margin.

  6. Aestheticgamer is not saying anything new…I've been telling everyone myself for the last month that Sony is being quiet and that they shouldn't be surprised if Sony is doing last-minute adjustments on their PlayStation 5 because they realize how much more powerful the Xbox series X was going to be, that would not be a disadvantage that sony would want to start at going into next gen.. at least not by as big a gap as it seemed that there was since the first Xbox series X announcement

  7. I hope to god sony doesnt cheap out on us by releasing a weak console. I love their first party games but if xbox is much more powerful, i will be forced to switch sides.

  8. Being that practically all consoles are made in China and there is a huge virus outbreak right now with the whole country in quarantine over there if that's gonna effect Sony and the ps5. Not to mention the trade war the U.S has already has with them.

  9. This is something I always thought Sony was going to do

    Xbox always reveals their hand to early and Sony pays attention to the fans and changes according to the feedback

    So with the recent news that』s ps5 was going to be weaker than the new Xbox by a nice margine I was already waiting for ps5 to upgrade their new console for it not to happen if the feedback was bad

  10. I don't think Sony would put out 2 PS5 SKUs differentiated by power out there at launch. That would instantly divide the player base in a very incendiary way.

    The more obvious possiblity is a version with smaller storage, which would be able to be expanded on later, either by modular storage (which would seem daunting to many people, not to mention costlier to R&D) or the likelier USB 3.1 expansion. While USB expansion would hinder the console's much touted SSD advantage; it would mainly be for storing data that won't be used immediately. And the console could use a trick such as loading a large portion of an archived title into an allocated space on the SSD to keep up the illusion of load time free gaming. This would simply involve using a similar technique as allowing you to play part of a game as it downloads off the internet.

    The second possibility is that a 2nd SKU would forgo the disc drive for an all digital platform. Although that likely wouldn't account for a cost savings as drastic as $100.

    And yet another possibility is that Sony would pull off a similar move as they did with the PS3, by having a version with full backwards compatibility & one that supports only PS5 for people that have no existing back catalog of Sony games. This option would be especially appealing to gamers who up to this point have gamed exclusively on PC, Nintendo or Xbox. Combine this with a lack of a disc drive, or a less complex disc drive version that can only read Bluray (a drive with full backwards compatibility support would likely require a more complex laser/reader) & I could see a price difference of $100, as this version of the console also wouldn't require extra chipsets internally for supporting the non x86 software.

  11. I think the Series X will be more powerful and it』s not the end of the world. Kind of how Xboxone was weaker than the ps4 this gen. Tables will be turned for the next gen. I』m thinking Sony』s gonna cut some corners on raw power to save a buck and reinforce the narrative for their exclusives.
    I know it』s always nice for your console of choice to be more powerful than the other but we should really hope they are neck an neck, thats the only way to really push this industry forward.

  12. SPECS
    Zen 2 8 Cores 16 threads 3.2 GHz
    Navi 10 Lite* 18 WGP/36 CUs 2 GHz 9.216 TFLOPS
    16 Gbps GDDR6 SDRAM 512 GB/s
    Samsung 980 Pro PCIe 4.0 1 TB
    PRICE: upto 800 usd but not below 400 usd (399)
    RELEASE: Probably mid November 2020 (Holiday)
    Kojima Horror IP
    Santa Monica Studios Game (God of War 5?)
    Guerilla Multiplayer shooter (Killzone/Socom)
    Gran Turismo 7 or Sport 2

  13. I think the ps5 will be less powerful in the sense of raw power I'm guessing 10 to 12. Something tflops. But look at Nintendo where power doesnt seem to be too much of an issue

  14. Even if it was less powerful with 9. Tflops that still twice as much as the ps4pro so at what point do you get diminishing returns? Sony could do more with 9 than Microsoft can do with 15 in my opinion.

  15. Looks like you did no research again. Yes, this was years ago, thank you for updating it. Since this was years ago the most accurate leak is still 9.2 T-flops with the possibility of being 10 T-flops.

  16. PS fans are so thirsty right now lol. It's sad….bragging about likes on Instagram for logos and latching on to any positive rumor possible. Meanwhile Sony is virtually silent for 2 years not giving a fuck.
    I heard Sony acquired Remedy lmao. There's just one giant fucking hiccup there. They are currently working on a Xbox eco system exclusive. I'm sure Sony would allow that to just continue lol.
    These rumors are all total bullshit!

  17. They have to upgrade it before release ? ps5 was so shitty that it cant keep up with new games ?

    Sony likes to put shit in their pants ?

    I had all the sony consoles but this one really sucks from the beginning ?

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