198X-發射拖車-Nintendo Switch

超凡的街機動作與成熟的戲劇相遇,模糊了遊戲與現實之間的界限。歡迎來到198X –只需1積分即可獲得新生活。

現在有空! http://bit.ly/3aEN9wL


訂閱更多任天堂的樂趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

訪問Nintendo.com以獲得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. So…I like retro and synthwave ok but there is nothing really new here…. All those arcade games are already available on steam or internet archive.
    Based on this trailer it just looks like they put 5 old 80's arcade minigames in one bundle… I guess we need to wait for more gameplay to see if there's a real story and real stuff to do

  2. Até que enfim um anuncio de um jogo que chama a atenção pra esse aparelho! My body is ready! Goddam! That's what I am talking about!

  3. "Everything seems to terrifying and exciting at the same time."

    Amazing. You perfectly captured why being a child is so wonderful. When there's nothing to get excited about, to feel about, life becomes dull.

  4. I love how there are so Many new games coming out with a "80's" aesthetic, i love the 80's, Even tho i wasnt Even close to being born, it's just that the culture, fashion, MUSIC, and how technologic it all was.

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