Xbox Series X VS PS5 MEGA電源和速度|巨大的助推器顯露新PS5和Next Xbox Series X詳細信息

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  1. are we really sure that sony is being quiet because they're weaker on the GPU? or is it that they have a choice A or choice B to go with and don't know which to go with? you don't know about features lol… Sony so far has my vote on the features… Series X given you and Colt Eastwood's coverage has my vote on the power.. but only because the facts are not out…what was the exact quote from that "higher up" you personally heard confirmation from again? and what exactly* was the comparison to the Ps5? (rhetorical, i watched the video) Early dev kits state wasn't a possibility or you don't want it to be? was it the final hard pressed "sent to the assembly line" product ps5? There's reasons you leave things out… and i get it… but damn…. not all of us are dumb man….your very* good at what you do lol…. (Disclaimer, I will say again, I don't care which is better, I will buy the one that wins my personal preference… so if you even read my comments, don't group me into that snarky boyish voice labeling that of a fanboy please… i'm just sick of both sides reaching a little toooo far….)

  2. how many time are you going to reference a PUBLISHER PAID FOR MARKETING VIDEO… as proof of anything? unless numbers are Cold and hard i wouldn't listen to Either publisher release a video that doesn't say one thing that can be fact checked after release… do you notice that? Wording is VERYYY cleverly spoken… ugh… i'm tired of this… both companies just need to whip it out already so i can f*cking know what i'm buying….

  3. ohh dealer… man your taking yourself into a hole… when you were embracing mike to scale your mountain of Series X elitism…you had no idea (or did which makes it even worse) that it would flip… I have a question… what if Sony makes the console your expecting the series x to be? and vice vera? I know i'll be getting a series X if Sony doesn't meet my personal demands… Why do i feel your always addressing "stupid sony fanboys", not fans… and never xbox fanboys…? Do you know that there are normal logical people here with nothing more radical than preferences?? you might be looking more and more like those you try to call out brother… just saying…. good information however…. sometimes your tone makes me want to laugh, or break your teeth lol (joke, not a threat, full discretion)

  4. The xbox this generation will be the king of consoles it will have more power than the ps5 will an better graphics. The ps5 has nothing going for it.

  5. Look,, this companies are weasting their time with all this speeds nonesence.. first of all 60% to 80% are gonna be using external ssd's or hdd. All of us gamers have over 100 games.. we dont care if Sonys SSD is faster than Xbox. That wont make me buy a playstation. Specially when we know that Sonys SSDs swap are gonna be expensive as hell for a bigger storage. They only thing I might use the internal SSD are for the most demanding games.. but for the most of us gamers, we are gonna be using external memory. We dont care about the speeds nor the stupid load times.. you can very well tell Sony that speed does not make a game great nor a console great.. anybody buying a Playstation just because of their speed claims. Are stupid people.. tell Sony to go suck a lollipop.. We dont care about speeds. When it comes down to it. Speed is only good for loading textures and not having popping graphics.. but who is actually bother by loading screens.. I'm not. It gives me time to go grab some water..

  6. All this talk about who faster who more power who this who that…My thoughts is this xbox has had more power still didnt win still screwed up big time sony might of had less power but still came out champ.. same will happen this next gen bottom line.

    Xbox fans just worry about microsoft brings you guys some better titles and enjoy gaming .

  7. I have PS4Pro and I'm PS fan, but now I will buy most powerful console in TeraFlops and most powerful console in loudness, because if PS5 are equal sound as PS4Pro = like Boeing 747 on takeoff I will switch to XBSX, I just wanna stabile framerate and for exclusive games, if PS5 have more exclusive than PS4 I will buy both consoles and finish this nightmare. I'm concerned, very concerned about silence of SONY and not even one confirmed thing except bloody fucking haptic feedback and adaptive trigger, and of course PS5 logo…

  8. Why is their so much hate on both sides lol I have all 3 systems and next gen I will have all 3 systems… I don't care who's more powerful lol I want the exclusive. I want halo and uncharted. I want gears and last of us. And everything else in between. Anyone that argues that xbox exclusive title are junk their stupid and not true gamers and likewise if you think the same of playstation exclusives.

  9. Let's get into it and kill all the noise about the PS5 super fast SSD, Having an SSD in a console is a game changer but SSD speeds are not that important since the very best SSD will only be a few seconds faster than a mid-level SSD. I have two SSD drives the Samsung Evo 860 which is super fast but it's a mid-level SSD but if i bought the fastest SSD in the market it would be faster than my Evo but not tremendously faster, Say a level in dark souls loads up on my Evo 860 in 6.3 seconds on the fastest SSD currently available it would load in around 2.4 seconds but the price difference would be a couple of hundred dollars which is NOT worth it so all the hype around the PS5 SSD is just that hype.

  10. Okay dealer since only you know everything then explain how series x gpu is way more powerful than ps5 since series x gpu is base of radeon vii and ps5 is base of rx 5700xt but in real world calculations they are very close just like someone said they would be so please elaborate! Im waiting!

  11. LOL – this is all funny to me. Dealer is a Xbox guy so positive Xbox news he will promote. PS4 pro was less powerfully than Xbox X. Did it really increase Xbox sales to have the first true 4K system ( which let』s face it was not native 4K on every game ). This is a game of cat and mouse and misdirection fake leaks and promotion. Xbox fans need worry more about exclusives and new IP than system power. Microsoft needs new IP badly. Sony games studios have been making new IP』s with great success. These new IP are also games that receive high ratings which means high quality games. Finally fantasy 7 remake coming to Sony PS4 maybe coming to Xbox nothing confirmed or any release date. I will buy all the next systems so I don』t care. However my Xbox X left me wanting more from Microsoft and I think they did a very poor job creating new IP for the next generation and making these new IP』s blockbuster games. So it』s all blah blah blah till release date and we get games in hand and we can play them. Until then it』s all rumors and speculation.

  12. Really enjoy the videos. Both consoles will push forward game tech and that's a great thing. Competition is important for development. XSX will be better in some areas, PS5 in others. Just get what you like. Both will undoubtedly be a leap forward.

  13. All I got to say is between Xbox and Playstation PlayStation has been in this game for a lot longer than Xbox. but somehow Xbox is already passed them on power-wise so how is it hard to believe that the next Xbox is going to be more powerful than the new PlayStation?it's not hard to believe or figure out at this point ,now Xbox just has to come through with the games cuz that's what it's about the video games. and that's why PlayStation has won this war lol over and over again. but Xbox has put themself in a very good position .between the most powerful console, xcloud, Game Pass, the stuff that Xbox and Microsoft offers to there community, now they just need to get the games which if you haven't noticed with how many studios they bought there coming. so at this point it's not hard for me to say they're already working on the games and I feel the way it's going this whole Playstation, Xbox War won't even be a subject for the next generation of consoles after this one. Xbox in a short amount of time is passing PlayStation on every front besides the video games and if they can manage to pass them on the video games we will not be having this conversation again which to me is a very good thing why shouldn't you have the best consoles and the best video games all in one place the best media everything you need all in one isn't that what Xbox is about cuz PlayStation is not giving that to their customers no matter what you guys say

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