Nintendo Switch My Way-塞爾達傳說:荒野之息

苗條的Nintendo Switch Lite系統可隨時隨地進行史詩般的冒險。


#BreathOfTheWild #NintendoSwitch




  1. Nintendo is the company that gives me the feeling like: "they're not even trying, it's like they're naturally just having fun creating games that will automatically touch your childhood. Not sure how much, but I have way more trust now in Nintendo than I had before. For example I don't feel like from now on they can ever fail when making a Mario game. It's kinda like the same feeling I got from Pixar, after Toy Story 4, at first I was very scared they would ruin it with an unnecessary sequel, but after watching it, they completely opened the possibilities for even MORE Toy Story movies.

  2. truckers we game to thanks Nintendo, I have my PSP vita playing it on the road all the time… I need to get me a Nintendo switch play all the classic ???

  3. Why doesn』t Nintendo believe in backwards compatibility? Like I wanna play super Mario galaxy 1-2 the Metroid series and wind waker on my switch. Put them in the Nintendo shop

  4. I've got this entire backstory in my head for this guy and his son.

    His son has BOTW at home but has been struggling with it so while on the road his dad bought a Switch light and has been practicing so when he get home he'll be able to surprise him, but combined they've only found 53 korok seeds.

  5. A controversial comment: nintendo should make something simple, like a gameboy, but with better Graphics and easy-to-learn games for everyone. that way adults can learn to play with their children so that both can have fun.

  6. I actually love this ad because I relate. I'm a truck driver who spends 5-6 weeks out on the road, and only 1 week home, and sometimes I'll have no choice but to wait on things like the next load, repairs, etc. and sometimes not in the most ideal places. It's great to have a switch and get your mind off things every now and then.

  7. Wow thank you Nintendo for recognizing truck drivers as fellow gamers and valued customers I've been trucking for twelve years and In my free time I enjoy playing on my 3DS XL and I look forward to getting a Switch later this year ?

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