5G和人工智慧無處不在:2030年將是一個新世界傑夫·布朗|劇集60 |格倫·貝克播客

11.23.19 |技術的發展比以往任何時候都快,並且沒有放緩。這十年是智能手機,流媒體和物聯網的時代。但是隨著5G和AI的興起,高科技主管傑夫·布朗(Jeff Brown)認為2030年將是一個新世界。布朗是早期的技術投資者和分析師,他親眼目睹了現代技術革命。他將量子計算描述為登月,將5G描述為改變遊戲規則。他預測在不久的將來將充滿人工智慧,自動駕駛汽車,無線手術,基因治療,加密貨幣等等!但是,隨著加密黑客技術的進步和Google,Facebook甚至中國的AI跟蹤能力的發展,我們必須控制自己的數據!

►單擊此處以訂閱Glenn Beck https://bit.ly/2UVLqhL



  1. 5G is like hybrid car. Trying to be better but still limited by its combustion vehicle components. Star Link seems like a better solution than 5G.

  2. I think you, Glenn Beck are a Master manipulator. SOCIALISM which is just the starter plate before the main course which is communism. COMMUNISM by force. SOCIALISM by vote. It is merely the difference of murder or suicide.

  3. I'm from the future and I wanted to ask if he thinks technology/5G had anything to do with this COVID Semi-Pandemic?

  4. Well that is really easy decision since the governments and big corporations will have full Acess to all and every child born The software will decide to crash into the most disadvantaged child
    The function call will be named mercyKilling()
    West is fucked with no jobs I am glad I have a second citizenship

  5. Given the fact that our DNA has been manipulated by Draconian, Reptiles. To behave in a predator manner, is changing, our young are coming in with higher awareness then ever befor. These elites know this. Humanity please stay on course, stay HUMAN.

  6. Blake I AM all for a A I , except when it can be used to replaced the body and soul. Humanity has a better destination then the Borg life. Other ET, aren't in need of that interface or interference with thier life existence. THEY ARE born with telepathy, regeneration of thier bodies on thier own. Can teleport just way of thought. THEY stand why , a million years ahead of this existence u are speaking about. A ascension into a higher vibration of existence is humanities next evolutionary process.

  7. AI and computers doing the dangerous and crap jobs that humans do would be a great thing BUT….
    It has to be done the right way. Once hunger and poverty and the rest of the world problems are fixed. The problem is that corporations are doing this for the money, not to enrich the human race

  8. Life is going to be horrific. What does the world look like 5 years from now? After the deadly Covid-19 pandemic is over. After global warming and pollution become worse? After AI eliminates more jobs?

  9. Here's a trick for Amazon. First find what you want to buy on Amazon. Put it in your Shopping Cart, so that wakes up Amazon AI. Then open another tab and Google the product. Pick WalMart or another vendor and open that window. Find the lowest price and be sure to open a tab to that vendor and your chosen product. Now here's the trick. DELETE the product in your Amazon cart, and close the Amazon window. Then open another tab to Amazon and search for that product. Amazon's product price will now be lower than the lowest price you found! AI! You will have just gotten free shipping, for free, from the savings this trick just got you.

  10. China is so far ahead of the West, barring some engineered biovirus mass extermination, your future will be created in Shenzhen. This is like listening to the History Channel talk about the first microprocessor. My money is long on Faraday-cage track suits.

  11. Jeff is investing in Amazon, you can tell how talks about it. Amazon is the same a google or Facebook, ???
    Very scary 5G and the agenda 2030, now everything falls into place and finally they we』ll make us say yes- I want the microchip installed in me in my body instead of having it on a cell phone, it』s more convenient and secure, if I』m having a heart attack, the ambulance can come right away and save me, I can talk to people via hologram, I can my refrigerator what』s missing and do my grocery shopping without a list,
    Very convenient, but very dangerous, they will total control of us. ?

  12. Sounds like Google got ahold of some Alien Tech, and I'm sure they didnt pay for it in US currency or gold.
    Trump gave Elon billions during the Kavannaugh Hearings to rush our 5G Satellite? It has NOTHING to do with speed of the internet to these people!
    There are 104 cell phones towers within TWO MILES of my house and I get bad reception! It's a slow train to Auschwitz!!!
    It's all just slaughter of us sheep!
    This dude is a Tramshuman!
    They wiill take over our cars like they took over plane crashes! 7 out of 10 car crashes will now be caused by them!

  13. We (basic humans) won't be here passed 2025.
    Read the 2001 NASA War Document.
    Dangers of 5G that we have seen already- Flu like symptoms (Wuhan).
    Hmmm… Suddenly everyone who supports TRUMP shows flu signs and gets carted off to Medical Martial Law Camps.

  14. The technology to cure disease will be owned and patented by the big conglomerate corporations. They will make sure it will be too expensive for anyone to afford without insurance, and even then it will mean millions in debt. Just like now! Getting people to vote for someone or buy something without their realizing it? That's already happening. The ability to get a person to make a purchase, to manufacture their consent has already been realized, for decades now. Just check out the documentary "The Century Of The Self"

  15. 13:58 Just like the first man to capture fire, and bring it into a cave! They everyone complained, and called him a fool for playing with fire, "which was clearly evil, and hurtful to humans"!

  16. It must be made clear: That in the near future, micro-technology, and biology will become merged. The goal is always to overcome the biological limitations of being human. Modern super-computers already out perform, and out create the human brain. Cutting Edge Scientists know, that significant technical progress can no longer be made without modern quantum processing. AI systems already outperform the human brain. Future micro-systems will be integrated into the human body, and human brain, for the benefit of Humanity. Today, you wear your technology; tomorrow, the technology will be wearing you. Human Biology, and Human Technology will become one single, united process for better living, longer, healthier, and richer lives. Micro-Chips will prevent and control disease, and help the body, and brain function at optimum levels.

  17. The likelihood of a 5G network up and running in Afghanistan, especially in a battle field hospital zone is slim to none. So to spout a surgeon from another part of the world doing battle field surgery on military personnel in a war zone in Afghanistan using 5G tech is pretty much a logical fallacy. That country barely has any roads much less a nation wide infrastructure to be able to handle a 5G network.

  18. All this within 10 years? Capability maybe, execution globally….no…..nationally…no….only the super wealthy will have access, and the government is way more involved than they say. As far as policing the nation, it's ideal for law enforcement. No one will ever get away with any crime, except government and law enforcement of course.

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