
萊利·周(Riley Chow)接待了貢獻者Luca Giliberti,凱文·雅各布森(Kevin Jacobsen)和托尼·魯伊斯(Tony Ruiz),討論他們對2020年第92屆奧斯卡金像獎提名的反應。



Gold Derby提供名人視頻以及專家預測,跟蹤誰將贏得奧斯卡,艾美獎,格萊美獎,托尼獎,金球獎獎以及頂級真人秀電視節目「驚人的種族」,「美國偶像」,「與星共舞」,「倖存者」 「聲音」等。 。

  1. At the globes there was only one colored nominee in the film acting race how come no one is outraged then and only makes a big deal when the oscars only nominates one

  2. i think little women over performed and I don』t think Gerwig is a snub cuz she got in nowhere else with the other precursors so i never expected it

  3. I get being disappointed by the lack of diversity in the acting categories… but will anyone ever follow these statements by proposing who should NOT have been nominated? There are only five slots per category, and deserving people of every background will inevitably not make the cut every year. Respectfully, be bold and say who SHOULDN』T have gotten in if you』re going to talk endlessly about the snubs. To do otherwise is disingenuous.

  4. Oscars should be renamed the SOMDY Award- Same Old Movie Different Year.So many possible nominees of diverse backgrounds, and they manage to conspire this list, 2 years after oscarsowhite.
    The 21st Century is pulling out of the station,and the Academy is running for the platform…

  5. Really, not enough 'person of color'? IT"S ABOUT THE ROLE AND TALENT!! I awaited the talking point when started the video, check! Who even saw Harriet?

  6. An added factor that may, or may not sway some Academy voters will be what happens at the Baftas on Feb. 2nd. For instance, if Parasite wins best picture there, it might sway some Oscar voters. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. Also, I'm not sure how far in advance final Oscar voting happens.

  7. i respect you guys. all of you. BUT you cant say that the weakest part of OUATIH is editing. It had some great edits and sequences. Because the film was too long it doesnt mean that the editing was bad. This particular movie was meant to be long. Tarantino wanted that movie to be even more big. So tell me how the heck OUATIH has bad editing and The Irishman doesnt. Just saying. Because of Thelma the Legend. I dont think so!

  8. I adore Parasite but if Roma couldn』t do it in a weaker year I don』t think this can. You also can』t underestimate the love for 「Joker.」 Yes, it will be a lot of #9s but it will also be a LOT of #1s. This is a really tough race this year. Hollywood is great and in a great spot but that editing miss is alarming.

  9. I enjoyed "Parasite," but all this adulation makes it feel like overcompensating for the total snubbing of "Burning" last year. Plus, through the years, even better foreign films didn't win BP; for "Parasite" to be the first — meh.

  10. One important factor I think JOJO RABBIT and LITTLE WOMEN have going for them over THE IRISHMAN is that they were both written by their directors. We've seen in recent years that if the director has also written the screenplay, that tends to give them a leg up.

  11. Were there complaints last year when TWO of the FOUR acting WINS were by persons of color?
    (Would Banderas count if he had been born in the US?) (Frankly, because of her BAFTA stink, I would have preferred Awkwafina over Erivo at Oscars.)

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