
在2020年奧斯卡頒獎典禮上觀看喬什·庫利,馬克·尼爾森和喬納斯·里維拉在《玩具總動員4》中獲得奧斯卡動畫長片獎。在Oscar.com和ABC應用中查看更多奧斯卡獲獎感言和要點! 。

  1. All the respect to the hard-working people behind toy story 4 but this is a joke. Not only was Klaus robbed but I think that Missing link and I lost my body were both more deserving of an Oscar than toy story 4.

  2. Good work to them and congratulations and all that but klaus definitly got robbed sometimes I swear the academy just looks to see whichever cartoon is made by pixar and decides from there.

  3. 「We hope that your adventures with Woody and Buzz made growing up a little bit easier.」

    They truly did. Thank you, Pixar, for these sweet characters and stories. I can』t wait to show them to my kids some day.

  4. I』m sorry Klaus fans but Toy story deserved it! It』s an Oscar to all of their movies who have been kept clean for our children to watch. Look at how hard they work on as every movie the picture has gotten better. The toys looked like real life toys in the 4th movie! The moral of the story was so beautiful! I』m actually not a big Disney fan except for a few and Toy story has my respect! My daughters are obsessed ! Toy story 4 is the reason why I got Disney + ??

  5. If Toy Story 4 deserved it for anything, it was its progression from Toy Story. The animation progression was phenomenal and they definitely deserve….a pat on the back. The issue with it winning an Oscar is that there were fresh ideas this year. Klaus combining 2D and 3D animation. I Lost My Body with its very twisted plot. Missing Link and its stop motion. And can we just talk about how HTTYD was snubbed every time it got a nomination? You Story 4 was a great movie, but there was more of a variety this year and they just decided to give the Oscar to someone that has won it a bunch of times before.

  6. Toy Story 4 was good but,it wasn't the best this year, Careful Academy Awards or people might find out how you really feel about animated movies, clue, don't even watch them because of the it's only for children bias and usually rely on kids awards shows and bribery to choose the winner. I wouldn't doubt that Disney could have did a bribe in some form or got that word out somehow, just like other movie studios. Sorry, but, the Oscars have been a joke for years oh, and just because they snubbed it, RIP Luke Perry

  7. in my opinion a great percentage of people who are fans of animation probably wanted Klaus to win. mostly because it did something different, a thing that most big companies like dreamworks and disney dont dare to do anymore

  8. I Lost My Body is better than Klaus. Here are my reasons.
    1. I Lost My Body's story is way better than Klaus. Its hard to put I Lost My Body's story into words, it truly is a rare cinematic experience in which every second feels like a discovery. One point for I Lost My Body
    2. I Lost My Body's soundtrack is amazing! I Lost My Body's soundtrack is truly thought provoking and is really addicting to listen to. At first Klaus' soundtrack feels magical and really fits the theme of the story…until they added lyrics. I don't need some pop star barging in and completely trashing the original score the team at Klaus orchestrated. I'm just saying a score with lyrics doesn't work that well. Another point for I Lost My Body
    3. I Lost My Body's look is different but is not as innovative as Klaus. This is where Klaus really shines, the look. I don't think I would've come across this movie if I didn't see how it looks. However, I Lost my Body with the look of Klaus wouldn't work. One point for Klaus. (I would give a half point for I Lost My Body for its look to but I don't think that would be fair)

    2 out of 3, I'm not saying Klaus is a bad movie. Far from it, Klaus is one of my favorite movies to come out this year. I'm just saying I Lost My Body is overshadowed way to much by Klaus. I could go on about why I Lost My Body is my new favorite animated movie but I'll let you be the judge of that.

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