華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)贏得男演員BAFTA 2020?-BBC

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華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)為2020年最佳男主角BAFTA致詞。


格雷厄姆·諾頓(Graham Norton)主持了英國電影學院電影獎,著名的頒獎典禮,以慶祝電影中的佼佼者和電影日曆中最光彩奪目的夜晚,其中電影明星都落在紅地毯上。廣受好評的Bafta面具的提名者包括Scarlett Johansson,Robert De Niro,Leonardo Dicaprio,Joaquin Phoenix和Margot Robbie,以及熱門電影如Joker,The Irishman,Star Wars,Jojo Rabbit和從前的電影……在好萊塢爭奪獎項。

英國電影學院獎2020 |英國廣播公司


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  1. I』m so glad he called out you British racists. Black actors have to go to Hollywood to work in films. Also try getting an American to play say even a British soldier in a British war film. British film makers are very tribal. The British should have been called out decades ago.

  2. Every word he said was right
    White people created this mess called racism, they should clean it up. I am not being racist towards white people, rather I am just stating facts and using a clear logic.

  3. Glad he is acknowledging the issue and try to speak up. Must have took a lot of courage. Hope people will get to be appreciated regardless of their gender, race, age, etc.

  4. God, oh I』m sorry, I mean Universe, please forgive me for being born white, forgive me for being straight (at the very least you could have let me been born bisexual), however a very big thank you that I was born a female (at least I』ve got that going for me) forgive me that I』ve eaten meat and drunken milk at least once in my life, forgive me that I think that Jesus was an actual person who had anything relevant to say, forgive me and my parents for the education I received etc etc etc ….

  5. Well done!!!!!!!!!. ? He chose his words very carefully! !!!!. He is calling out blatant racism and I totally agree with what he said!!!!!!. He speaks his mind!!!!!!. Why don't people like the truth?!!!!!!!. There is so much fakery!!!!!. Stand up for what you believe in and Don't let anyone tell you any different!!!!!!!!!!.

  6. Exactly how many winners would choose that platform to talk about animal and human rights & jolt the conscience of us all!!!
    That fact alone makes him an ideal candidate to win every award on earth… He's also an incredible actor and the most wonderful human being to ever walk the award shows… Much love and respect x

  7. I found w work it's better to be the last one done than to take shortcuts. Don't you agree? I don't take the shortcut here in town anymore either. It's a deathtrap. ?

  8. He is an absolute incredible amazing actor and man!! This speech was inspiring and selfless!! He is a beautiful man inside and out!! And those eyes are to die for!! Well deserved Joaquin!!

  9. Can we say after tonight too, the way that joaquin never thanked the movie,the opportunity, the production or the director. Ok, Joker movie is all about this incredibile incredibile performance, yes it is true. But as a professionist you should before say thank to the people that really care about yoU, and than you can say everything you want. he did an incredibile great speech tonight at the Oscars, but neither this time he mentioned Todd Philips or the crew… i won't know,it's unfair,in a sense……. Please won't be' allarmed, be' kind: i love him he deserved all this and the world

  10. I disagree. This is not a great speech and it was so out of everything. Why are you saying thai Hollywood send the message to coloured people "you are not welcome here???why??It's not true!! We are (luckily) nowadays in TV shows and in great movies full of great black actors.MOONLIGHT won BEST PICTURE a few years ago, like ATLANTA when won everything about TV, and in every cathegory of many many other prizes this year and the last years ther was always a nomination for a black actor/actress and sometimes they won,sometimes not,But this is what an awards ceremony is: someone win, someone lose. One year you win the next year you lose. This "racism thing" and the fact that It's still a problem in the Hollywood industry of 2020 is totally without Any sense cause there is not racism , and black people (or white people) are NOT "a problem to solve" we are not "part of the problem". Sorry joaquin,I love you and u truly deserved all these prizes,but the acceptance Oscar's speech, lucky,was way better than this. Thank you.

  11. Arthur Fleck won , he lost everything in his life , he lost his mother , his job , his healthcare coverage , his sanity but he got this right !

  12. I'm tired of actors saying there are no black people in movies ..
    Not true.. were there any notable movies made by black actors and directors? Will, Denzel, Morgan Freeman, etc did they make any movies this year? If you don't make the movies you don't get nominated

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