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** Psyche Shredder目前未按預期進行處理,這是一個已知問題**

8.2 FP與LB Sim比較-https://i.imgur.com/GeJgpjO.png


Monster Monstercat音樂


  1. What you think about Mechagon staff, that gives you like 2k intelect (or so) on the active. If you wear it you can use font of power and the scythe trinket with out losing to much intelect of the gladiator bash

  2. I mainly PvP, but love your channel dude. Gonna try to push some keys and raid with my guild. I find your channel very useful. Subbed

  3. Just rerolled from tanking to fire mage for my mythic raid team(lack of mages :D). Never played casters before, and your guides are super helpful to get usefull tips. Very very good content. Quality is really good. Keep up the good work

  4. I would love to raid but Alliance raiding is dead, say for 2 or 3 major guilds.

    And no I won't go Horde. Simply because I wouldn't feel right joining the faction that had so much favoritism it broke the balance of the factions.

  5. Hello I would like to know in your opinion, how much of critic, haste, mastery and versatility should a normal fire mage take, sorry if I express myself badly but I had to use a translator, I in my case have 35 of critic, 24 of haste, 10 of mastery and 10 of versatility, I would like to know more than anything since I don't know what a correct balance would be. Which of these should balance. Thanks for the video is so good and a gretting from chile.

  6. Does raidbots also provide the option to create these graphs? Or which tool do you use to sim it that extensive? (Per ilvl/essense lvl)

  7. Have compared Fire and Arcane bursts and have concluded that Arcane burst much more stronger than Fire is (without braces), but why do people play Fire in this case? Weaker dps out of burst time or what?

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