PS5和Xbox Series X都向後兼容,這很重要



  1. My PS2 vs XBOX library was close to even but then i made the mistake of building the majority of my library on PS3 and only had 360 for exclusives. Now i only get exclusives for PS4 & have largely rebuilt my lost library on xbox one. I』ll get a PS5 for exclusives but xbox has always kept my games library currently accessible. PS3 & PS4 dropped the ball on backward compatibility and i』m still bitter over it

  2. I want to play the first ratchet and clank game (the ps2 one) in the ps5. I really hope that we could play ps2 games in the ps5.

  3. I hate to say it but if PS5 can't run PS3 what's the point Xbox is fully backwards compatibility there's no more excuses for Sony. PS3 player.

  4. Ps2 compatability please, no other generation is better than ps2, that's fact I want to play some max payne and fatal frame and so much more.

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