新的PS5規格泄漏,如果事實真相,將會震驚所有人,新工作室和新AAA PS5遊戲

對於下一代遊戲機,尤其是在PS5方面,泄漏不會停止。我們有一個新的PS5規格泄漏,它來自潛在的*可靠來源。如果這些規格是正確的,那麼PlayStation迷們將非常高興,因為它確認PlayStation 5將比Xbox Series X更強大,功能更強大,而且索尼將全力以赴提供最先進的遊戲機。泄漏揭示了GPU(以及光線追蹤),CPU,RAM和SSD,還揭示了索尼和微軟都收購的一些新工作室。有趣的是,與索尼和PlayStation有著多年合作關係的工作室Housemarque宣布,他們正在開發一款新的AAA遊戲,他們渴望向公眾展示該遊戲,但他們正在等待發行商批准。 。該發行人很可能是索尼。雖然這只是一個泄漏,但謠言,我們必須保持懷疑,如果這是真的,那將是非常棒的,





  1. Be sure to leave the video a LIKE if you enjoyed it or if you are excited for the PS5.

    Obviously it's leak season and they won't stop pouring in, yes, we do need a plumber asap (Sony is the plumber and we don't yet know when they are going to show up to plug up all these leaks). The PS5 is going to literally shock the shit out of some people if this leak is accurate, we won't know until the official reveal but there are a fair amount of people who claim to have insider knowledge claiming the PS5 is a very powerful conosle, more so than a lot of people believe. It's not that power matters most but it's still very exciting if true. What's even more exciting are the potential studio acquisitions and the confirmation from Housemarque that they are working on a new AAA game for PS5 that will most likely be exclusive. Exciting times.

  2. Sony definitely acquired Kojima Productions and Kojima's next game will be a horror game. He already expressed he wanted to revisit that genre. I'm sure he was enjoying what was happening with P.T. until it was killed by Konami so he wants to revisit the genre. With that said, I think people are going to have a hard time upgrading to new TV's that support HDMI 2.1.

  3. You're absolutely right this is leak season, but is frustrating how secretive Sony is being at least ms showed us how their machine looks like at least

  4. Can anybody let me know what the leak is because I』m a few minutes into this video already and he won』t shut the fuck up about how this video is about a leak but not what leak it is?

  5. Will get the PS5 for its exclusives and Xbx for all other games. It's all about games and how uniquely each console delivers the gaming experience that's what mattersat the end of the day

  6. I wonder if Sony is using on board M.2 flash storage & Microsoft is using essentially an off the shelf Sata SSD. MS is probably trying to undercut Sony on cost this time & is still banking on upgradable storage like we have this gen (which they screwed up on the 360). Whereas Sony is designing their console with pure speed in mind & simply relying on expandable storage drives or maybe an unused extra M.2 NVMe slot. As someone who completely switched to M.2 drives for my last PC builds, I can say I'd pay a premium in a heart beat. There's just no comparing a standard Sata SSD to M.2s for speed & an ultra clean setup. Even if MS is using an M.2, I'd be curious to see what gen they're both using. As a 3.0 with a respectable 3,500 mb/s transfer speed are still pretty pricey at 1-2TB sizes. A 4.0 is out of the question imo. I doubt even Sony would feel the need for 5000 mb/s if it meant the console would definitely cost over $600. 1TB at that speed still costs over $200 alone.

  7. I am a Sony PlayStation fan. So no matter what I will be buying it this year. I just love their exclusives. I wont be getting an Xbox this time. I will be getting a new PC.

  8. i have ps4 now and waiting for ps5, i don need xbox cos i have gameing pc and play on it forza… gears etc, console? only sony, exclusive games for playstation is olwayas my best games. so i think the best idea is sony console + pc, pover , gpu tflops etc, dont care on consol is not that diferents 12, 13, 15tflops? new gen is ne gen, games is iportant for me. pover and high performance i have on pc…. my play…. 85% time on ps4 15% on pc

  9. hmm would i rather have a faster ssd which is still an ssd compared to last gen or the abilty to play every generation of xbox games ive been collecting since 2005 as well as the new stuff on the next gen console, gee let me think…….

  10. Maybe playstation is still building the PS5 after series x's specs were reveiled. It wouldn't suprise me that they postpone launch to copy everything from Xbox again.

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