PS5 VS XBOX SERIES X:它們會有什麼不同?

隨著下一代的普及,有關PlayStation 5和下一代Xbox的信息越來越多。現在我們有了一些具體的信息,這兩種設備將如何彼此脫穎而出?說吧

  1. 4k/60fps on all games isn't what "everyone wants." And 8k support is a joke since only a small percentage of people will even have a TV or Monitor capable of displaying 8k. Either company will easily win the console race if they direct their focus towards:

    -1440p/1080p gaming at higher than 60fps on EVERY game (there's no reason a game should be able to run at 4k/60 and not at a higher fps on a lower resolution)
    -User adjustable graphics settings that will increase FPS when turned down (a couple of different modes to choose from isn't enough, the ability to turn down things like shadows and anti-aliasing independently for an fps increase gives the user much more control over what is important to them)
    -Ultrawide support (while not necessary this would be icing on the cake for people looking for a more immersive gaming experience)
    -Adjustable FOV for all First Person Games (if there is an FOV slider on the PC version of the game then there should be one on the console version as well)
    -Console Exclusive COMPETITIVE Multiplayer Games (Current single player exclusives are some of the best games out but they lack replay value and the ability to play with friends)
    -Cross-platform gaming (it's extremely annoying when you can't play an online game with your friends because they have a different gaming machine)

    Hopefully the majority of these things make it into next gen consoles. Because with a $500+ price point as well as having to pay for online play, your money will be much better spent on a PC where you can do all of these things and more.

  2. Yay more paper weights that i can add to my collection just to own their exclusives only . Once I beat those exclusives , back to my next generation pc for every other game while my next gens sit there like a vase with flowers in a corner . XD Only own 4 ps4 games and 5 xbox one games .Pc I own 312 to be accurate . If the consoles have the game before the pc ,I tend to buy them on the console , however once they release to pc I just give away or throw away the console version . The value of trading the console version back is not even worth the money back since the pc version is able to customize its settings to fit the pc top of the line tech .

  3. I have been playing games since the Atari 2600. I had many consoles. I'm not going to who is better at what. I have owned a PlayStation and Xbox since the beginning. I always choose Xbox over Sony for one reason. The controller. Since I first held the Dreamcast controller (look at it real good. Google it if you haven't experienced the Dreamcast) it's just more comfortable to me. Being a individual of Gen X, I'm excited for both consoles. It has been amazing to see how gaming has evolved! Happy gaming everyone!

  4. Why is PC gaming popular? I love playing on my 70" 4k TV! I'm torn on these new consoles. I have been loyal to Sony for years but the PS4 sucks in my opinion. It has no backward compatibility (I know the new one will) It crashes ( a lot) Sometimes games won't load, they didn't give great support to Mods for Fallout and Skyrim. So I was thinking about switching.

  5. Glad i did not buy the X. Just bought a PS4 to play GT and always have been an Xbox guy n was gonna move to the X from the one because of the 4k but these new systems seem like they will be about 1k or something never seen so prob gonna wait on these. They do seem closer to pc

  6. This guy is trying to stay netrual but but he knows PS ain't doing PC games. This is my first time hearing PS news about PC gaming. That's how you know Microsoft has the up hand in that topic. And yes it's gonna be interesting to see how Microsoft is gonna pull it off. Yes I agree we'll just gonna have to wait and see.

  7. Maybe i'm to old school. I only play offline and other than my phone, have no internet connection at home. I only buy the disc of a game. Hell i can play in the middle of nowhere. Been doin it that way before most of the commenters on here were born. I do bring my console to a buddy to do any updates and patches. It works for me.

  8. I don't care what they use or how they use it. Just give me a system that works, has fun games and is easy to use. Backwards compatibility and being able to play CDs, DVDs and Blueray are also desirable. I play offline exclusively so i need to get certain things out of a console or it's not worth the price to me. PS3 80 gig with BC and thumbdrive, duo pro, sd, etc, my favorite console ever. Of course i upgraded the hard drive.

  9. I remember being told 20 years ago that there would be Fully Destructible environments and true ballistic damage calculated by a Physics card.
    Well? Still waiting. Imagine a game where you could choose the way you fought a battle determined by your ability to affect the world directly?
    I drive my tank through ANY wall it's capable of, and or the building may fall on my tank. Etc…

  10. The difference is and has been really simple. Xbox is and always has been junk, PlayStation is and has been an awesome console that lives through its generation.

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