

在我的信箱中找到所有清單! https://letterboxd.com/n8hale/
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  1. My snubs:
    Best Picture=Uncut Gems/The Farewell/Avengers Endgame
    Best actor=Adam Sandler for Uncut Gems/Brad Pitt but for Ad Astra
    Best Actress=Awkwafina for The Farewell
    Best Animated Feature=Weathering With You (srsly i think the body movie is a bit overrated)
    Best International Feature=Weathering With You

    Well at least they didnt have Frozen 2 for best animated feature. Too meh of a movie.

  2. I haven't seen The Farewell yet, but I'll have to soon. Ford v Ferrari is my favorite movie of the year though, so I would love to see it win best picture. It's not going to, so my second choice would be 1917. Another fantastic film.

  3. I agree, such a shame that The Farewell didn't receive a single nomination. Parasite is fantastic, looking forward to hearing your opinion at some point!

  4. I agree with what you said about the female directors. It』s all about talent. As long as talent is being recognized, then I don』t care about gender.

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