
奧斯卡2020年預測:最佳影片提名者包括1917年的Joker,Parasite和Jojo Rabbit。昆汀·塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino),山姆·門德斯(Sam Mendes),奉俊浩(Bong Joon Ho)等人的最佳導演。排在前列的是Judy的Renee Zellweger和攝影的1917。
Jojo Rabbit和奧斯卡最受歡迎的Sandy Powell和Jacqueline Durran之間的最佳服裝設計緊密競賽。

Oscar Spotlight: Costume Design
Oscar Spotlight: Sandy Powell
奧斯卡焦點:傑奎琳·杜蘭(Jacqueline Durran)
Oscars spotlight: Jacqueline Durran
Oscar-nominated shorts 2020
奧斯卡焦點影片:電影Breakthrough,Rocketman,Harriet,Toy Story 4和Frozen 2的原創歌曲

  1. Hello friend. you have a very nice content here. I enjoyed watching your video ❤️just join you and be your new friend here. hope you visit me and be kind to?? stay in touch and support each other. ✅ Looking forward to give me back some love. ???? See yah!

  2. While I was watching Honeyland I had to double-check to make sure it is a documentary. People are so unbelievable!… FYI, Your video freezes for the last 10 minutes or so. It's all good as I was just listening anyway.

  3. Nice video guys! I still say that Parasite will get the award for international but if they win for best picture to there will be a lot of un happy people. Should either go to Joker, 1917, or Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood.

  4. hola buenas, me encanta disfrutar de su trabajo al completo friend, le estoy muy agradecido siempre por la conectividad, muchas gracias por ser parte de la familia y dejarme serlo, una feliz vida siempre.

    Hello good, I love to enjoy your work to the complete friend, I am always very grateful for the connectivity, thank you very much for being part of the fmilia and letting me be, a happy life always.

    Olá bom, adoro desfrutar do seu trabalho para o amigo completo, estou sempre muito grato pela conectividade, muito obrigado por fazer parte da fmilia e me deixar ser, uma vida feliz sempre.

  5. Can』t wait for the Oscars! I think all of the acting categories are essentially locked but the director and picture category is still a race between Parasite and 1917 I think. Nice Video! -Chris

  6. Dear friend, I'm here Excellent Thank you for sharing good videos. I will always support you. I have a "prepared pot" for you on my channel. Come visit. My video has your language. Try turning on subtitles in settings. Let's meet again. Have a happy day

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