
這是奧斯卡提名日,而對撞機的「為您考慮」團隊正在分解加利福尼亞好萊塢的Arclight電影院帶來的所有驚喜,預測和冷門。斯科特·曼茲(Scott Mantz),佩里·尼米爾洛夫(Perri Nemiroff)和傑夫·斯奈德(Jeff Sneider)討論了11項具有紀念意義的小丑提名,以及三部各有10項提名的電影:《愛爾蘭人》,《 1917年》和《好萊塢時光》。

他們還談到女性導演的有爭議的遺漏,表演類中幾乎完全沒有有色人種,還有像《歡送會》,《未切割的寶石》,《 Dolemite是我的名字》和《復仇者聯盟:終結者》等影迷的冷門。

感謝我們的合作夥伴Arclight Cinemas接待了我們參加此特別節目,並共同展示了FY​​C放映系列,該系列由Rocketman,Joker,好萊塢大片,Little Women等背後的創意團隊組成。有關即將上映的電影的門票,請訪問https://arclightcinemas.com


#OscarNominations #ColliderFYC #ArclightFYC




  1. Just curious. Why are we calling Netflix a streamer instead of a studio with a streaming platform. Is Disney a "streamer?" No.

    They both put out some movies exclusively on streaming (not eligible) and some get a theatrical release first. If they meet the eligibility requirements, they meet them. Is Amazon a "streamer?" Hell, they were a mail order company and a grocery store way before they started producing movies, why don't we just relegate them to that sub-category.

    Will WB and Universal be considered as "streamers" next year too, when they get their platforms up?

  2. I guess these are not for personal likings but i really like Taron, not only as an actor but as a person – he is humble, funny, fresh, so expressive and so cheeky! There are a lot of such examples in history not only this year, amazing actors and sweethearts get snubbed all the time. But we love them – and i think that's what matters!

  3. If it weren』t for this and The Sneider Cut I』d probably walk away from Collider, they lost me when they cancelled Live and Movie Talk. This is such a great show and these 3 know their stuff, period.

  4. Not everyone loves Parasite, at least not me!
    Best Picture 1917
    Best Actor Joaquin phoenix
    Best Actress Renee Zellweger
    Best Director Quentin Tarantino
    Best Sup Actor Brad Pitt
    Best Sup Actress Laura Dern

  5. Acting Snubs: William Defoe, Jennifer López, Awkwafina, Alfre Woodard, Lupita Nyong』o,, Zhao Shuzhen, Ana de Armas, Adam Sandler
    Directing/ Writing Snubs:
    Lulu Wang, Kasi Lemmons, Olivia Wilde, Lorene Scafaria, Josh and Benny Safdie

  6. I don't agree with Scott other than the Portals scene nothing stuck out in the Endgame score. It also proves the classic motifs of Star Wars are virtually indestructable and resonate a lot with people even after all these years. I also think the new piece called 'The Rise of Skywalker ' is extremely underrated.

  7. If we already have two categories for both actors and actresses, why aren』t there two categories for both male and female directors? Am I wrong to ask this???

  8. To any Oscars/Award season fan, I strongly suggest seeking out the shorts screenings. It is always a fun experiences, the films are all great to see and you'll be with fellow film fans that are just like you.

  9. I find The Irishman extremely overrated and DeNiro was a bit too dry in his performance & if it wasn』t for Pacino, the movie is extremely boring as well, sorry to say.

  10. Why tf would you want Joker to win Best Picture when we already have that kind of a movie… a much superior film in Taxi Driver? Joker is a joke. And Todd Phillips' name should be remove from any categories.

  11. He's right. Soairse Ronan is becoming the Amy Adams of her generation. I personally wish she wasn't nominated and Awkwafina got in instead of her.

  12. 15:13: Scott says that Jessica Lange was nominated the same year for "Tootsie" and "Blue Sky". That's a mistake. Those two movies are 12 years apart from each other…LOL. She was nominated the same year for "Tootsie" and "Frances".

  13. god I LOVE these 3. they are bring different qualities and clearly come from different cinema backgrounds but the respect is always there. I love Jeff and Mantz back and forth and every time Perri speaks i fall in love with films more

  14. I luv Jlo and so wanted her to get a nomination but I think her diva like behavior in the past , and her previous movie history is what hurted her…

  15. I'll never understand comments like "as good as Scarlett is in Marriage Story, I don't think they will give her the award in her first nomination"… Why does the Academy consider other things besides what actually is the best of the year in a given category! Shouldn't be that way

  16. Seriously…Brad Pitt? Was I watching the same film? He was not good at all. He was ok but not to the extent that he needed recognition.
    It just so happened he is a Hollywood Golden Boy. That』s bad for others who actually deserved to be recognised.

  17. I』d love Joker to win BP, but I don』t think it will. I saw 1917 last night and wouldn』t be upset if that won, it was very well made.

  18. Mantz needs to chill and quit trying to end the show early, he was really throwing shade towards some of the less glamorous awards. Kind of shitty in my opinion.

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