


Godfall的設計從頭開始,並牢記合作理念。您可以單人,雙人或三人玩整個遊戲。您的敵人將動態響應,根據您的團隊規模改變他們的行為和攻擊方式。我們的合作目標是共同努力,為所有人帶來樂趣。 。

  1. Looks more lords of the fallen than dark souls/the surge/nioh, that's not a good thing.

    Edit: It's a year old content never meant to be shown to the public, so I guess things might be better now.

  2. Wow are you guys serious ? This looks hella good. Not even considering the fact that it is year old gameplay of a game actively being developed.

  3. To everyone saying this doesn』t look current gen it looks like ps4 gameplay

    You are stupid, please stop talking if you will continue to be so incredibly stupid. Thank you

  4. This is the sort of game after like a few months will be on store shelfs for like £13. Don't developer's have any imagination or idea what actually is tredning in the gaming industry

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