
2020年奧斯卡金像獎提名名單已經揭曉,我們的SJ Universe小組將在這裡回應和談論Oscar Surprises和Snubs。小丑,1917年,好萊塢大片《黃飛鴻》及其他影片-SJU!
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在此鏈接上了解如何觀看“永不投降”我們的Galaxy Quest紀錄片►►https://www.journeyman.tv/film/7688/never-surrender
►►iTunes鏈接►►https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/never-surrender-a-galaxy-quest-documentary/id1486843892?mt = 6&ign-mpt = uo%3D4
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由Danielle Radford(@danielleradford)託管
由Ryan O’Toole(@ryanohtrue)製作

執行製片人:Roth Cornet
監製:Max Dionne
高級製片人:Billy Patterson
後期製作主管:Emin Bassavand。

  1. Hit 'See More' For Segment Timestamps Let us know your thoughts on ALL of today's topics and as always, thanks for watching!
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    00:40 – Academy Award Nominations
    52:19 – Morbius Trailer

    One: Speak up and join the conversation- we encourage respectful debate.
    Two: Respect your community- racism, misogyny, homophobia and hate speech aren』t tolerated.
    Three: Don』t go looking for fights.
    Four: 「Be nice.」 – Dalton from Roadhouse

  2. I partly agree with you, but you should remember that there are only 5 slots in each category, and if there are dozens of great achievements naturally most of these will miss out, so for example Avengers Endgame will get only 1 nomination, or if there are 5 times more movies directed by men than women, statistically it will be normal that not every year a woman will be nominated for best director. Also, concerning for example Honey Boy, the Critic's Choice Awards did not miss to watch Honey Boy since it was nominated for Best Young Actor, but they still did not nominate Shia, the screenplay, the director or the make-up although they had seen it…so maybe they genuinely thought it wasn't good enough (although I thought it was great, and btw I also loooved Little Women and would have liked to see Greta Gerwig nominated for directing)

  3. I didn』t think 1917 had a pro imperialist message, I always respect Ed』s opinion, & I agree with him often, & my view may admittedly be coloured by an interview I read with Colin Firth in which he talked about a deleted sequence in which his General character had his servants set up a dinning table with a white tablecloth, but I felt that the film was one that communicated the futility of war & the emptiness of imperialism, but of course everyone has their own interpretation

  4. If movies from earlier in the year deserved nominations, they would've got nominations. Budapest Hotel, Boyhood, Get Out just to name a few. Farewell was good, but I cant rightfully get rid of any nominees to make way for it. Same with Gerwig. I cant say meaningfully that any of the people nominated for director didn't deserve it. The Oscar's shouldn't nominate a women just for the sake of nominating a woman. And Dan's jury selection idea is not good.

  5. Agree with all the movies that weren't nominated. Shout out too to AVENGERS ENDGAME! Should have had something!!!!

  6. To Dan Murrell: I love your Oscar jury per Branch to review various movies January thru December, instead of waiting for the annual year-end smash-up. My suggestion to you would be to approach the Academy』s Board of Governors with your brilliant and urgent idea, either alone or with other like-minded BFCA members. Go for it, man! ???????

  7. The real problem is that the quantity and variety of film combined with the intense subjectivity of quality makes the entire idea of Art Awards that adhere to any objective standards pretty much impossible from the jump.

  8. I think this just means that studios should stop doing "bait movies" or "Oscar season movies"

    Spread it around the year, its their fault not the academy.

  9. As much as I want to see women directors get representation, I think the director category is spot on.
    The Lighthouse for Score and Supporting Actor
    Uncut Gems for Actor and Picture
    Dolemite is my name for Costume Design
    Midsommar for Cinematography
    Us for Actress

  10. I feel y'alls heart but when has the Oscar's ever been about the actual best films or art of the year? It's always been about politics and campaigns, studios who have the money. So I'm totally behind you guys but youre a bit too in your feelings. Y'all know the game

  11. Im a fan of every pic nominated in 95 OTHER than Forrest Gump. Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Quiz Show and Four Weddings and a Funeral are all movies I love.

    Im usually more of a fan of the movies that DONT WIN.. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is a movie I love, Fargo is a movie I love, Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, Star Wars, Mad Max Fury Road, Saving Private Ryan, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, The Social Network etc…

  12. Full Metal Jacket is my favorite Nominated movie that didnt win best picture. It was beat out by Platoon & I'll go to my grave saying FMJ was 10x better then Platoon & deserved the Oscar.

  13. I just realized why I like dans rants and hate when others on this channel do it. It』s becuase he always has a solid plan. whether it』s good or you like it / don』t like it everyone can look at it and say, that could work. This channel complains about diversity in awards and movies. Throw out some plans guys! I』d love to watch ideas and not just 「 this sucks」.

  14. Another way to help diversify the people/films nominated would be to STOP WAITING UNTIL THE TALENT IS OLD & SOON TO RETIRE TO GIVE THEM AN OSCAR! If they had the best performance then award them NOW! Honestly a lot of the narrative last year around Glenn Close's nomination was that it was for all her other "better" performances not for her performance in "The Wife". Maybe just do a bunch of lifetime achievement awards so the older talent can get their Oscars & then don't let them be nominated for the regular Oscar?

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