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  1. Why some much joker hate? It was an amazing movie, and (in my opinion) deserves every nomination, little women was amazing, but Greta』s direction wasn』t on par with the other nominees, having only white man as nominees is not a problem if they all deserve to be there. I feel like way to often people want to dislike something just because it』s famous, and enjoy things just because they』re not mainstream.

  2. i love joker but it』s not the best movie made this year. everything good about it should be credited to joaquin phoenix, not todd phillipps.

  3. I dont understand the hate that Joker is getting even for the awards that it deserves. Look I get that the film wasn't for everybody, but Joaquin's performance was the performance of the decade. I liked Adam in Marriage Story a lot and any other year he would win, but Joaquin's transformation and the slow descent into madness was something that very few people could have pulled off. Joaquin deserves it this year.

  4. Out of curiosity, did you not want Leonardo DiCaprio to be nominated? Btw, I saw the Lighthouse a few days after watching this video, and it exceeded all expectations.

  5. You know nothing of acting if you didnt pick phoenix..now joker was a great movie…as far as cinematic..ill go for 1. 1917 2. Ford vs Ferrari 3. Joker
    Other movies suck…
    Ad astra was a waste of lifetime.. Everything about it was super trash..
    And omg…get that star wars shit out of here…it sucked for the last decade…the most decent one was where felicity jones played

  6. Ya know, reading this comments I notice everyone complaining about Lighthouse, Uncut Gems, Midsommar, etc being snubbed, and others being happy for Marriage Story and Parasite, but like…
    Not a single congrats to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood nor Jojo Rabbit?
    I guess I'll be the first. Glad they did well, and Waititi definitley got snubbed for best director.

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