15個確認或可能推出的PS5和/或Xbox Series X標題


幸運的是,看起來PS5和Xbox Series X不會餓死遊戲。實際上,與PS4和Xbox One不同,它甚至看起來像是在發布後不久,我們真正獲得的不僅僅是中等版本。因為到目前為止,儘管很少有遊戲正式被確認用於下一代遊戲機,但我們仍然可以看到,即使對於第九代遊戲機來說,不久的將來看起來也相當不錯。

在此功能中,我們將討論一些已被確認為下一代發布遊戲的遊戲,以及相當多的遊戲可能會成為PS5和/或Xbox Series X的發布遊戲。 ,當我們說可能的時候,我們也承認它們也不是下一代發布的鎖-其中一些可能確實確實會成為發布標題,但其中許多可能並沒有。





  1. Im excited for a next gen Star Wars Battlefront, Batman Arkham sequel (could be through a different superhero), Spiderman 2, and just the upgrade in games we already have.

  2. I'm mainly a console gamer but I also own a gaming pc. Now, they always do this. Every console generation they make these wild promises that quite simply are ridiculous.

    To have a PC capable of running games at 8k, you'd have to spend a couple of grand. What makes you think the next console will do it?

    No loading times? If we can't do it on the most powerful PC, why would you think it's coming to the next gen consoles?

    Add to that the fact that as hardware improves, games become larger and more complex to match. So it's a catch 22 situation.

  3. Good golly GamingBolt. If even half those lauched with next gen that would be best launch ever in console history. Not gonna happen.
    Now lets talk about the real news. Microsoft stated already, before you made this video, they are optimistic about 1-2 exclusive games around lauch with 1-2 within first 6-12 months. After that they said exclusive games could be 2022. Makes perfect sense with all the studios they purchased. That would mean most of new studios would have 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 yrs for developement. About avg. Also means microsoft will be way behind….again.
    Sony has been typically tight lipped, but other sources are reporting 8-12 exclusives in first year with up to 6 within first 3-6 months.
    Last console lauch was complete disappointment for both consoles with delays and fairly poor and buggy games. Lets just hope this time is better.

  4. I really wish Microsoft would come out with something new, I』m tired of gears 9, Forza 15, and Halo 23. Be like Sony and take chances and let your devs roll the dice like with Horizon, GOW, The last of us and Days Gone.

  5. This is how I want this new Batman game to start out:
    1. You start out waking up in a board meeting at Wayne Enterprises (near the end of the day cycle) to give your thoughts (multiple choice responses).
    2. You then leave the board meeting, go to your office for XP/Easter Egg, and then head down to the street meet Alfred for a ride back to Wayne Manor.
    3. Then some situation pops up (this is dusk heading into the night cycle)…The Joker does 「Joker」 stuff, Two Face or some random thugs try to rob a bank or Riddler does something…
    4. Alfred then pulls into a nearby alleyway, you change into the Batsuit in the back of the car and climb out of the sunroof to deploy your grappling hook…
    5. You stop whatever crime was committed and then head to the GCPD rooftop (where the Batsignal is shining from) to talk to Commissioner Gordon and maybe Harvey Bullock. All of this has to be completed before the night cycle ends or you fail the first mission.
    6. After the meeting, you then call the Batmobile and drive all the way back to the Batcave (this should be a considerable distance from the city)…before the day cycle begins.
    7. You enter the Batcave, debrief with Alfred, do some stuff on the Batcomputer, check your weapons/tools in the armory and then take off the Batsuit so it can be repaired and placed in the display case.
    8. You then take the elevator up to Wayne Manor to complete the first mission.

    I want to truly become The Batman.

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