
周一早上宣布提名後,看看2020年奧斯卡提名。 「小丑」以11個頭獎領銜所有提名,而「好萊塢大片」,「愛爾蘭人」和「 1917」緊隨其後,分別獲得10個提名。



  1. People commenting here negatively about this award show and yet just some of them have actually watched the movies nominated.
    Watch Parasite or 1917, it』s a good movie. Actually there』s a lot of good movies outhere not made by Hollywood.

  2. Joaquin Phoenix will be there in his reusable tux , I didn't know you had to have one specially made to wear it more than once.
    He's so brave, such a warrior, brings a tear to my eye, I'm at a loss for words. What will he do next ? Fly commercial ?

  3. The ratings are in the toilet, because this political nonsense is a buzz kill and takes all the fun out movies and Holly wood. When the award ceremonies go the way of the buggy whip. These self absorbed and sort sighted individuals will have no one to blame but themselves.

  4. Why were the two announcers who hardly announced anything even there? Oh, and just because you don't get praise or attention doesn't necessarily mean people are being racist or sexist to you. When Black Panther nailed it I didn't hear any white pity parties. No Oscar attention or praise for Charlie's Angels, but no mention here of that, are these two hists sexist? They MUST be.

  5. If people want serious equality, then they need to stop throwing a fit every time a woman or minority doesn』t receive an award simply because they are a woman or minority. You ever thought, just maybe, men are just better at certain things? Like directing?

  6. Never watch the garbage and have zero respect for actors who live in their elite bubble playing in political theaters as if they had a clue of reality…. all about the money!

  7. WeLp..they managed to claim racism and sexism for this yr..not just racism. How about the acting may simply have just.. SUCKED..? The nominees were Awesome in their roles. Bite it.

  8. All this happened so long ago. I'm sorry it happens I wished it hadn't. That so many other nationalities have gone through so much in wars have lasted 10 years plus. It's time that fall Americans put the past in the past. Leave color out of it. We are all people we are all God's children regardless of our color or gender. All colors can be racist. It's time to put an end to it all and put it in the past where it belongs. People should be spreading love and kindness instead of hatred.

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