Nintendo Switch排名前15位的OPEN WORLD遊戲!

該視頻介紹了Nintendo Switch上排名前15的開放世界遊戲,您現在就可以購買!


  1. ? TOP 15 JRPG Games on Nintendo Switch ! ?

    ? TOP 15 FIGHTING Games on Nintendo Switch ! ?

    ? TOP 12 RACING Games On Nintendo Switch ! ?

    15 TRIPLE A Nintendo Switch Games Coming For The Rest of 2019

    20 TRIPLE A Nintendo Switch Games Coming in 2020+

    14 NEW Upcoming RPG Games On Nintendo Switch (2019 & 2020)

  2. Crazy I see some many people being rude to this guy. And yet none of you are the ones making the vids. Instead of telling him what he should do on his vids. Make your own channels

  3. Not worthit to buy nintendo switch. Pc is good enough more games not like childish games
    Plus good for editing and for school needed.
    Beside all ugly games in nentendo is very expensive

  4. all the best switch games list are basically all the same cmon ppl pick 10 gamez we didn't expect… teach us something… make us want to buy a new game w our very next check etc…

  5. Bethesda: the nintendo switch doesn't look that powerful and won't sell that much
    Nintendo switch: can run the most demanding games and sells a lot
    Bethesda: please accept fallout 4 76 or both on the switch!!!

  6. My faves are Zelda Breath of the Wild, Lego City Undercover, and I would consider Mario Odyssey open world as well. I don't consider LA Noire open world because there is nothing to do in the world – all you can do is drive around and commute between mission points. I just started playing Saints Row The Third and Assassin's Creed III, and they are also open world games.

  7. All I see is a bunch of remakes from past Nintendo consoles, and remakes from 3rd parties that are sub par vs. other consoles. also, a bunch of Zelda clones, and indie games that belong on a cellphone. With very few original titles that don't even use the full potential of the joy-cons, after 200+ hours in the Zelda universe, my switch is collecting dust.

  8. Click baiting with the thumbnail image, not cool. When will you (YouTubers) learn…. The video and content is good enough not to need fricking click baiting, if not for that image I would have given you a like but because of it you have a ?? sorry.

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