
觀看者請注意:在芝加哥,Verizon的下載速度最高達到每秒1 GB以上,韓國的中位速度超過了美國。上面的視頻錯誤地指出,芝加哥的速度最高達到了每秒1 GB以上,代表了中位速度以兆位元組(而不是兆位)為單位。

在全球5G競賽中,美國電信公司有一個獨特的劣勢:限制進入「金鎖」無線電頻段。這促使美國公司朝著不太實用的5G版本邁進。 《華爾街日報》解釋了這門科學及其含義。

卡洛斯·沃特斯(Carlos Waters)的插圖/華爾街日報




  1. We all might be brainwashed idk, I certainly sometimes feel that way. Social media can be evil and change our perspective of what reality is…

  2. BIG mistake for the U.K. ! The risks will be hard to manage given the lack of technological expertise by the U.K. Instead, I find interesting no one is backing up the European company NOKIA who can compete with the Chinese on 5G. Every great economy has a computer communications corporation leading the way..perhaps it』s time for the Europeans to do the same…isn』t it shameful that China was able to do this in 20 years since their emergence to the world stage and the EU HAS BEEN AROUND FOR FORTY YEARS…WHY IS THAT? They』re plenty of smart and capable engineers in Europe..

  3. Watch senate court hearings on 5g health concerns and total lack of saftey regulations. 5g will be used as a weapon. Theres no escaping the 5g network. Its global. It will consume the air we breath. End times

  4. Lets wait for the explosion in health related issues !! almost a death ray all being sold so we can download films faster !!! what a croc !!! a control method all part of the Agenda 21 plan, look into it people please and do what you can to stop it !! which really is nothing !!!

  5. It's funny how the shorter the wave/higher frequency/faster download is also able to cause immune system imbalance by heating flesh tissue. We need mid band 5G. And I got a newsflash. If we all cook ourselves slowly in high frequency 5G, what use will it ver to business people?!?

  6. So much mis-information in this video. Wavelength has almost no relation to speeds. 1 mhz is 1 mhz and carries the same amount of data. This journalist is not a scientist, That I can Say.

  7. Hello, wall street journal? How is it that no mention is made of using satellite as a tri-magnate to fumble the obstacle of short versus long wave frequency betwixt the triangulated said device ( in orbit as it were),provider,then paying user..?as GPS tracking is made to function..?So.. just what else praytell might the gambert of said satellites – sponsored by privateers now – are in fact engaged into way up and out there..? that they aren't telling but selling about us hmm?Oh come on already,as though…

  8. Many people will make a lot of money if they drop their egos. Invest in a good platform and watch your fears turn to profit.? Contact Mr Christopher here christopherswoth870@gmail. com he will help you out ?

  9. Yeah. So I'll wait for the great 5G 'goldrush' before investing in a new 5G phone from Samsung. Learnt my lesson last gen with 4G and Sprint – I'm now with T-Mobile.

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