藍色iPhone 12 Pro,iPhone SE 3月2日及更多Apple News!

午夜藍色iPhone 12可能會在今年晚些時候上市。 iPhone SE2 / 9可能會在三月份推出。蘋果公司正在開發背光iPad鍵盤。而且不要立即購買13英寸MacBook Pro。


6.7英寸iPhone 12要薄一些:http://www.macotakara.jp/blog/rumor/entry-39203.html
iPhone 12變成藍色:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mQ8fP9xhv2g
iPhone SE2 / 9最快將於3月發布:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-21/new-low-cost-iphone-said-to-enter-mass-production-in-二月
2020年iPhone正在升級的Face ID模塊:https://www.macrumors.com/2020/01/16/2020-iphones-refreshed-face-id-system-rumor/


  1. The iphone 12 dont come out until sept this yr. So its the 11 that they showing. Because the 12 has 4 cameras so you can shoot in 3d. So im not sure why they calling it the 12 unless im missing something here

  2. LOLLLL that gold 「11 pro max」 wasn』t even a pro max it was a xs max with a sticker on it you can tell bc the Apple logo was all the way at the top

  3. I might sound like I have bad taste but I just like black, it』s simplistic, but if I had to get a colour I would get navy blue, it』s the only one I like a lot.

  4. The blue used in the iPhone 12 mockup is extremely close to the 『Classic Blue』 tone that won Color of the Year Award for Pantone. Just saying, could be a reason why they went with that, if they do go that way?

  5. Re: the backlighting of keyboards. It』s cool but unnecessary. The F and J keys have the raised indicator to line your hands up with the home keys. ??‍♂️

  6. It will be called the 11s and the components and battery will be upgraded. That is all besides the new blue color for the Pro. It will be the following:
    iPhone 11S Pro Max – 1199
    iPhone 11S Pro – 949
    iPhone 11S – 649
    iPhone SE 2nd Gen – 399

  7. Yea these are all wrong reports. The notch is staying. That』s just what has to happen. Removing the notch means no front facing camera, no Face ID. Face ID is much safer the finger print. I mean let』s be real people, we』ve reached the claiming in regard to 「design」 with smart phones. Let』s accept that and focus our attention more on the software, camera modules, and internals.

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