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#OscarNominations #Oscars #OscarNoms #AcademyAwards

  1. People have to stop being upset by the nods. Every year there are snubs. 2019 is the best year for movie. I loved all the Oscar nominations

  2. After seeing your SAG reaction and subscribing, I came across this video. I think Oscar just did Oscar things. Still bit bitter about JLo, Greta and Farewell. And Frozen 2! And maybe because I』m new to your video, I laughed really loud when you show your Avengers hat. Lol

  3. I still don't get it why 1917 was nominated for original screenplay. I mean, there's barely a memorable dialogue in that movie. The film is great but there's little (or none at all) character development. The Farewell should've gotten that spot imo.

  4. I'm glad Frozen 2 was snubbed in favor of Klaus, given that imo it's a more refreshing, original and overall a better movie, as well as the first 2D Western animated movie with actual options of winning the award (films like "Ernest and Celestine" or "Song of the Sea" are great, but independent studios don't stand a chance against the Disney juggernaut and other American companies). Not to say Frozen 2 is a bad movie either, but I feel these Oscars are more fair than in previous years in this regard.
    Also, while I don't think Antonio Banderas or "Pain and Glory" will win their respective Oscars, the fact that a Spanish actor and two Spanish movies are nominated fuels a bit our patriotic pride✊.

  5. Your reactions are amazing hahaha. I am also shocked that Frozen II wasn't nominated! This might be an unpopular opinion, but I thought it was much better than TS4. That being said, I haven't seen the other three films nominated. I definitely want to see Klaus, since everyone says how amazing it is.
    Also, I'm so disappointed that Greta wasn't nominated for best director!! Definitely should be there instead of Todd Phillips

  6. Thrilled about my friend Kathy Bates.. Great performance! Sad about Taron being overlooked. But it was a competitive year for men and Antonio has the sentiment. The rest pretty predictable except Frozen 2.. That was a shock!

  7. I feel like all everyone talks about are the snubs, but not the surprises. I』m so happy for Joker getting 11 nominations! THAT』S CRAZY! This is huge for the comic book movie genre, and I』m rooting for it all the way! And Parasite, Jojo Rabbit and Once Upon a Time In Hollywood running up for Best Picture!? Unexpected but totally well deserved! ❤️
    It』s also nice that the Academy has given Netflix all the love it can get by nominating The Irishman and Marriage Story for more than 10 Oscars!
    Even if Greta Gerwig sadly isn』t on this list, the nominees for Best Director are still stellar! I don』t care if they』re all men, or white or whatever; talent matters more than race and gender with these awards (at least that』s how I feel), and they picked the most talented.

  8. I am still crushed for Jennifer Lopez. My hopeful this year was Lupita(I didn't care if she didn't win i just wanted Lupita to be recognized for Us!) so I knew she wasn't going to win but I thought for sure JLo would get a nod but NOPE! That was the real shocker was Jennifer Lopez' snub. She was robbed of a nomination!

  9. I am sad for the The Farewell and everyone associated with it. I am very happy for Scarlett, Pugh and Klaus. I am very happy with the Best Picture nominees(except for the Farewell not being in). 8 of the 9 nominees are in my Top 11 favorites of the year(6 of them in my Top 7) and the 9th one is my no. 21. I don't think this has ever happened. Although I am rooting for Jojo Rabbit or Parasite to win I am ok with any of these 9 winning Best Picture.

  10. Since the other snubs are mentioned in the comments (which I agree with:), I honestly thought 「Us」 was going to get some sort of nomination. At least for Lupita』s performance. I mean, they did spend HELLLAAA money on the marketing too lol

  11. I feel like it's interesting to note that since 1981, only one film has won best picture without a nomination for best editing (Birdman in 2015, for obvious reasons). Joker/Parasite/Jojo getting it this year over OUATIH makes me really unsure over best picture (as well as 1917 repeating the one-shot circumstances of Birdman). There have been four films to win picture without an acting nomination in that same time period (The Last Emperor, Braveheart, LotR: The Return of the King, Slumdog Millionaire), that may be less indicative of Parasite/1917's chances than the editing category.

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