Google Pixel 3印象!

哦,嘿,Pixel 3和Pixel 3 XL終於正式上市了!這是你的第一眼。

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  1. Anybody still have this phone? How is it performing? I』m planning to buy this phone refurbished from amazon. Currently have the iPhone 8 and so sick of iPhone so planning to switch to this google pixel 3.

  2. What do you think about the "not pink" color? I thought it looked tan colored. I'm on a panda Nexus 6P. I almost went for a Panda Pixel 2 xl but decided to wait. Now the Pixel 4 is out and I'm not interested. I'm going to buy a Pixel 3 xl but no Panda color way. I'm thinking of going with the "not pink". Please respond when you can. Thanks.

  3. I am very disappointed with the phone AND google services. Google dropped the ball multiple times in their customer service and did not compensate for their mistakes in any way besides 「I sincerely apologize.」

    I decided to not get a warranty from Best Buy where I bought the phone because google offered a 1 yr manufacturing warranty. This was a big mistake.

    I bought the google pixel 3 because of the camera. The camera broke, which apparently is a problem for this phone (according to what I found online). First step to try and fix the phone is reformatting.

    I needed a google assistant to walk me through the steps to back up my material and reformat the phone. I asked the assistant 3 times if my photo and recordings were backed up (I confirmed this by looking at the transcripts of our conversation). She checked and confirmed that all was backed up. However, all of my recordings were lost. This set me back quite a bit with my work. Google 『sincerely apologized』 (there wasn』t much else they could do with this one. And this same response was given when I felt there were other alternatives to fix their mistakes).

    The camera wasn』t fixed so I had to send my phone in and they would send a new one back to me. This means going without a phone for 2-3 weeks weeks.

    Within a month of receiving the 「new」 phone, the battery dies completely by noon (4-5 working hours). I question if I had received a new phone or a refurbished phone? The phone that I sent in because of a broken camera battery lasted much longer and it was several months old.

    I now had to send the phone in again, go another 2-3 weeks without a phone. I was very disappointed with this product as it was said to be one of the better phones on the market and it wasn』t cheap. I requested a refund instead of another draw out exchange for a 『new』 phone.

    I was told I would hear back from someone within 5 days. It took them 3 weeks to get back to me. And all I received was an email saying please call us. I called 6 more times until we finally arrived to unfavorable and disappointing answer. Each representative that I talked to said they would look into the issue and get back to me. Some promised to call me back within the hour, others the next day, some said in 1-3 days. No one ever got back to me so I had to continue to call and share my process all over again. On the 4th and 5th call, I asked to stay on the line while they looked into it since the previous representatives didn』t get back to me. Each time they assured me they would personally take are of it and promised to get back to me. I am a trusting person and so went along. The google assistants were very nice; however, they all lacked follow through. This process went on for another 2 weeks and hours and hours on the phone with google.

    Each time I had told them that I am leaving the country right after christmas and thus am running out of time to send the phone in to get a 『new』 one.

    They finally gave me an answer saying that their policy does not allow exchanges and cannot help me in getting a phone faster than within their 2-3 weeks exchange rate. It took me 6 weeks to get to this answer and I am now out of time because of leaving the country to get a replacement. All of this is clearly documented and recorded and they were not willing to compensate for their multiple mistakes in any way. They would just say. 「I sincerely apologize.」

    I do not recommend this phone or anything that will require you to rely upon google services.

  4. Hi Marques, can you please make a video addressing google camera app on pixel devices constant crashing. You can see the magnitude of the problem seeing the reviews on google play store. Google seems to be doing this on purpose.

  5. So it's pretty much the same. All's they did is hold back some features from the 2 just so they could release a 3 and hope that dumb people would jump on board with buying the 3 even tho they just brought the 2

  6. I am currently a reluctant iPhone user. I started off a Galaxy user from the Galaxy S3 till the S5, and would immediately upgrade as soon as possible, and absolutely loved every model, that is until the Galaxy S6. I had the S6 briefly before losing it, and upgrading to the S7 but at that point, I was no longer a Samsung Galaxy Fan. I have always had the latest iPhone and Galaxy SmartPhones, one for business, and one for personal. Like I mentioned before I was originally a Galaxy fan above all, So I always made that my most used personal phone. However, since the S6, and no longer being a Galaxy Fan, I reluctantly became a iPhone user. Making the latest model my personal, and the model right under it my business phone. I say reluctantly because I was at one time the biggest Galaxy fan, and despite being familiar with using an iPhone, because always had an iPad. I never loved any iPhone product, and because of how Apple operates as a business, never wanted to become an iPhone user, but I did. Well, for the first time since the disappointing S6, I am considering getting away from the iPhone again. As of now I』m heavily leaning towards going back to my first love the Galaxy S model, but have thought about the Google pixel as well. My concern with the pixel is I will be lost and frustrated by its operating system. Because a long time ago when I was looking to purchase my first tablet, I did a ton of research, since I wanted to avoid buying an Apple, iPad even though I was familiar with it, and really like it. As I mentioned before rather not give business to a company like Apple, that in my opinion almost intentionally makes their users have to pay Top a Dollar for everything, and deliberately does things to maximize profits. So because of that I did a ton of research and everything I read either had the iPad as the best tablet with the Google Nexus a close second, or vice versa. So I purchased the tablet being rated the best that wasn』t an apple product and bought the Nexus. BIGGEST MISTAKE I EVER MADE, so I started doing some research on why despite it being called the best I hated it, and found out, that google nexus used a pure android operating system and for those familiar with it or comfortable with using it, realize how much better it is. However those not familiar with a Pure android operating system tend to have a huge learning and getting use to curve. Well the curve ended up being to great for me since I only used it a handful of times and then it just sat being unused for a long time till I decided to sell it on eBay. I should mention it held it』s value unbelievably well, and sold it for not much less than I paid considering how long I had it. Anyways ever since then and because I have also tried the Moto smartphone operating system and could never get use to it. I』m hesitant about going with anything than what I already know Samsung and/or Apple

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