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一直很感激,但是您與我的互動對Youtube的支持非常豐富。對於那些想直接回饋的人,非常感謝!收益將用於設備升級和改善渠道。 🙂 #ASMR#低語#放鬆。

  1. Should ditch WoW all together and give Final Fantasy XIV Online a try instead. It's so much better. WoW is such a garbage heap these days.

  2. I just recently swapped over to Hpala from MW monk, and I really enjoy the playstyle of pally healing waaaaay more than MW. I primarily push M+, and only raid whenever I need a piece of gear from a certain boss 😛

    Any tips on Hpala healing in general? Sometimes I feel like it's hard to keep people topped off when shit hits the fan.

    Also, if you were watching the race to world first, who were you rooting for?!

  3. CHAMPION! We must go to Ny'alotha and stop N'z…. Casual stabs N'zoths eye N'zoth dies* Welp Champion that's the end of this expansion

  4. Along with it not feeling like and endgame patch, nyalotha just doesn't feel like an endgame raid. I think majority of the fights are boring, and nzoth just doesnt feel like an end of expansion boss at all. I wish they did 8.3 like they did argus and antorus. I also wish BfA had a good storyline bc it was all over the damn place lol

  5. Awesome asmr and great points. Wow has lots of potential but they are just going for the easy money sadly. Really needed this video your a down to earth gal and wow plus asmr is so comforting. Im really having a blast with classic and not really focused on retail. Just tying up loose ends in retail since im OCD then going back to classic when done or tired. They need to get serious with shadowlands if they went people to come back to retail.

  6. I'm like the new raid (I'm tanking as Brewmaster for my guild) but if I didn't have an active guild full of friends to play with I would definitely find no fun in this expansion. I really hope that they take their time with Shadowland and make it amazing.

  7. Beautiful soft-sounding whispering sounds – these videos are always amazing! 16:52 NO SHE ISN'T, SHE'S JUST DOING ASMR! (I was already subbed, but if I wasn't, I would have just for the all yellow 'Bananer' xd)

  8. Believe it or not one of the main things that killed it for me was the transmog lame changes they made and the class design, i don't care what type of dungeon/raid/battleground they add… If i can't enjoy and have fun with my class mechanicaly and visually i just can't do it. Its the main thing they should be focusing on. I was always looking forward the new class sets and weapon designs. They completely destroyed it in BFA. Everything is SOOOO LAME :S like you said… Everything looks sooo bad designed, (go check the Alliance leather sets for example…its shamefull.. who the F designed that shit and why?) not having new talents and new options to play my classes made me not even wanted to play to begin with.. I'm usually positive towards the game but i honestly CAN'T understand their mindset anymore, since day one we everyone said NO to the no tier set changes and they are going to keep that shitty change… The day they said they have no plans to add class tier sets back…i seriously lost it… I honestly lost hope after the way they ended the N'zoth thing. They lost the oportunity to make a great Aszhara and Nzoth patches… i've waited for them for so long. Sorry for the negativity but man…

  9. I've never played retail or WoW really in general. but got into classic A LOT and now am trying retail. I definitely prefer a lot of the stuff from classic but I'm very excited to get caught up and try some visions stuff. and hopefully shadowlands makes my lock feel more like classic hahaha awesome vid! hope to see more wow stuff coming!

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