

我已經為所有疲倦的父母們消化和提煉了很多閱讀材料! ;)


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「 5G在企業和政府中的應用將需要……這種輻射水平尚未實現。」



「 5G的能力涵蓋了可以…


從「維權人士5G問題摘要」文檔中獲取概念,並確保完全重述它們。 (*重要的不只是複製/粘貼*)

對您提出的任何索賠使用參考。最後按順序列出它們。請參閱:「提交參考」 PDF。





偉大的Jessie Reimers帖子-環境/ BEES:➡️https://www.facebook.com/getafreshstart/posts/1435395876619798

最後一段,包括光纜的建議/優點。 (請參閱:「針對激進主義者的5G問題摘要」-有關此內容的重要部分)

將其附加到求職電子郵件,然後發送到模板中列出的電子地址。 。

  1. I was under the impression that we were not supposed to mention health concerns since it is not mentioned in the terms of reference, until I saw this…

    The Terms of Reference for this inquiry are as follows:

    The Committee will

    Investigate the capability, capacity and deployment of 5G;
    Understand the application of 5G, including use cases for enterprise and government.
    UPDATE on HEALTH (made on September 23, 2019)

    Health is not specified in the text of the Terms of reference but… after I contacted the Committee, I was informed that:

    The terms of reference relating to the deployment of 5G may include topics such as health and safety concerns.

    Good luck everyone and thank you for this massive help!

  2. 5G connected IOT do not connect to your local network, unless you are using 5G as your main connection ! The baby monitor thing is a router security issue. 5G connected IOT do not have firewalls and so vulnerable to botnets, they scan all services.

  3. There is no business case to overbuild their fibre to the curb. We are getting fibre. This is needed to look low in latency and fast thanks to the fibre. The further away it is, the slower, higher latency and interference unstable it is.

  4. Thanks for this. Looks like I cant even mention my severe headaches and disorientation being within 200m of towers. How can I get medical evidence of that ? Im going to address security and IOT vulnerability evidence. And the lack of business case for overbuilt fibre to the curb. Very weak encryption, vulnerable to stingrays, IOT do not get firmware updates and vulnerable to wifi and mobile exploits, and lack firewalls and intrusion software. IOT need low latency fixed line.

  5. This video originated from the
    Sttop"Stop 5G central coast Facebook page"
    There is some more excellent resources available there.
    Join the page if you need more help getting this done!
    Numbers is what will win this for us so go above and beyond and to make your efforts count, share this far and wide and motivate others to enter their concerns to this enquiry as well so we can't be ignored!
    don't forget to hit the like button for the you tube algorithm

  6. Hi Georgia, this sounds great but there is no parliamentary template in the file section of the two 4 5G facebook pages I an on. Are you able to link it here? please!

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