
2020年的奧斯卡提名已經宣布,還有一些重大驚喜和冷落。從詹妮弗·洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)因在《騙子》中獲得粉絲最喜歡的角色而被拒之門外,再到《小丑》(Joker),以最高的提名震驚所有人!

  1. How do you not even mention Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe for their amazing performances in The Lighthouse? That was some of the best acting I've seen all year. The Lighthouse in general was snubbed hard with only one nomination for Cinematography. Deserved to be nominated for much more.

  2. Christian Bale and Taron Edgerton definitely deserved to get a nomination for Best Actor. Also, Park So Dam should have been nominated for her performance in Parasite!

  3. I am still surprised that The LightHouse did not score some sort of nomination. The story, the cinematography, and the screenwriting was amazing and original.

  4. A star like Jennifer Lopez in a career high performance is a testament that the academy tends to nominate people of color roles that are villainous, downtrodden,poor, and especially seek a white savior like the lame ass green book. Thank u for sending the message that being a minority is to be unworthy. Fuck u Luciferian academy.

  5. Joker 11 noms!!! ❤ Female Directors is all people are talking about. I don't know. These films are all pretty tight and getting way more attention across the board. Asian director for The Farewell did the best outta females and that's from a movie I saw and what people who saw all say. REAL convo thoughs is no Adam Sandler, Awkfina or J Lo! over bland performances by Laura Dern and Rene Zellweger! Joker and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood are the ONLY reasons I am watching now!

  6. Robert De Niro didn』t get nominated for best actor ?
    Ad Astra no nominations for cinematography and VFX ?
    Adam Slander not nominated for Lead actor ?
    Jennifer Lopez not nominated for best supporting actress?
    The Academy is a joke !

  7. Margot Robbie is annoying as hell. She gets nominated for playing American women. Hollywood is even racist towards white ameicans. Lol

  8. Wait can celebrities who haven』t been nominated go ? Because I really want Kate Winslet to go just so her and Leo can be reunited ?

  9. I guess the 100 % win is all Acting (Joaquin, Zellweger, Pitt, Dern), Original Screenplay (QT), Score (Joker), foreign (Parasite), director (1917)

  10. Well…
    Knives Out snub Best Pict
    Awkwafina snub Best Actress
    Ad Astra snub Best VFX
    Joker snub Best Prod Design
    1917 snub Best Editing
    ? ? ?

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