iPhone 11 Pro Max |我離開了Android …永遠!




iPhone 11 Pro Max-午夜綠色

Pitaka iPhone 11 Pro保護殼

三星Galaxy Note 10+ Plus

Google Pixel 4 XL-白色



在此視頻中,我們回顧了具有#iPhone11功能的Android與iPhone的古老爭論-我討論了我永久離開Android的3個原因。為什麼#iPhone11Pro將成為我選擇的旗艦智能手機。特別是#iPhone11ProMax-蘋果在iOS13上已經走了很長一段路,有時更簡單。在自定義方面,Android智能手機仍然要優越得多,但是iMessage和Apple生態系統很難逃脫,因為沒有替代品。 RCS或WhatsApp都無法取代擁有iPhone的體驗。觀看視頻以了解更多信息!




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  1. I can relate to playing with a android phone a lot more i had an s10 last year and I couldn』t put it down constantly messing with it , then I bought an iPhone 11 Pro Max in November and I just feel at ease not wanting to mess with it .

  2. I』m the only person in my family with an iPhone but honestly all my friends have iPhones so it』s just easier to like do iMessage and shit and FaceTime with them then the regular SMS messaging thing and I prefer a iMessage over the regular I love my iPhone 11 promax I switch to that from the note 9 I got the midnight green color also

  3. This is the problem of the tech community you have to take a side of IOS or Android. You supposed to advice for the customers what is a great product you should get not your personal feelings. For last couple of years Apple fans saying that this Samsung Galaxy will make go to Android for good I Message and Airdrop. Also one thing, both phones have are reliable but all three networks are still having problems. #Fightforconsumers

  4. For me, Google's software and services Trump iOS and anything Apple. To the point that I only use Google services on my iPhone. Even if they are half baked in comparison to their Android counterparts. iMessage and continuity is the only thing I enjoy about iOS over Android.

  5. Well….. You aren't leaving Android then. ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️ You're just using an iPhone as your primary phone. The title was a bit dramatic lol.

  6. I own a bunch of the latest flagship Android phones… I'm very interested in getting an 11 Pro Max. Last time I tried to buy an iPhone (6S plus) I returned it the next day simply because I was getting so annoyed with not being able to customize my phone. I have the latest iPad Pro, which I love, but that's because I don't care about customizing my tablet. I'm scared if I go and get the iPhone tomorrow, I'll just hate it. Maybe not. I really want the Apple watch as that's head and shoulders above the rest.

  7. in the video you said that you can text from your ipad and macbook but you can't replicate it. "google messages" has exactly that feature while having the "read" and "typing" tags as your talking to someone. but it doesn't have the option to back up your messages.

  8. Samsung just discontinued the galaxy s8, which is just 2 year old phone.No updates will be there for the phone. This is the reason apple』s better. It supports its devices for a pretty long time

  9. I』m in the Apple ecosystem. There a moments where I want to try android especially the galaxy note 10 but then it』s little things I really appreciate about Apple that keeps me. For example, I』m writing a paper for school and I use pages more than word. I didn』t have my computer or iPad with me at work luckily, I have pages on my phone and my paper was uploaded in iCloud so I finished my paper on my break. Little things like that I like. But maybe 2020 is when I』ll try android again??‍♂️ but for now I like my iPhone and iPad and Apple Watch and MacBook Air.

  10. I agree with everything you said. I』m with Apple because of the interconnectedness of my devices – iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch as well as the AirPods Pro. I love it when a call comes in on the Watch when my phone is on a table or in my office. I can answer on the Watch or transfer to the phone as I need or answer the same call on my iPad. It』s virtually seamless as is the message syncing. All my apps sync across devices. AirDrop is great for quick sharing of files. Apple really worked hard to make things work properly. I also have CarPlay and chose my vehicle because it had that feature.

  11. Even though I'm an android user, I really believe in apple's principle of design and ecosystem. I think a lot of people refer to it as boring , I really believe it's designed for you to just enjoy a simple experience. Great review sir. It settles itself around subtle discipline, which in a way makes you focus on being productive as opposed to constantly tweaking the phone. Everything is just intuitive and intentionally thought out and just a great overall experience. #MyHumbleOpinion

  12. I think the android ecosystem is too saturated…..I'm staying with Samsung for Samsung pay …..safe and reliable
    Apple has the better overall ecosystem but like you said "boring" …..I hate the layout and the limits over the years….gotten better but always behind

  13. Literally, all my family is on iOS and I finally just said whatever and went with the iPhone 11 this year. Turns out I actually like it a lot.

  14. I'm with Apple for the reasons that you mentioned plus the outstanding customer support. Whenever I have a question or something doesn't appear to be running right, I'm either live chatting or speaking to a tech rep who clears it up. Who am I going to call at Google?

  15. Yeah if i was still a teenager i think ill go with Samsung.. but for the things i need ill go with Apple especially the software and how secure it is and the flow between my iPad and i mac its simply the best

  16. Truly seamless , uncluttered and reliable experience Apple offers, and felt when we use it. I'm a hardcore android fan but after feeling the smoothness of my 6 year old iPad now, I have decided to prefer iPhone as my next phone. No customization is only bummer now…

  17. Also went back to Apple because of the same reasons. Here in Austria or Europe we use WhatsApp in general because the Smartphone Market in Europe is more diversified….but I also use iMessage! Thx for the Video, and for sustainability is also important…

  18. I had the S8+ before the 11 pro. At some point you have to just stop justifying using the IPhone to an Android user. However you did an amazing job. Like super amazing.

  19. You did the right thing… that eco system is second to none. My Xs Max, Series 4, iPad Pro 11 and Powerbeats Pro are an excellent combo. Love my MacBook Pro 2015 as well ?

  20. i agree with every point… thinking about switching to ios as well. been on android for a solid 6years and its always been that toss up if my phone would turn on today, or will it hold bluetooth connection this time, or will my alarm actually go off in the morning.

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