

PlayStation 5是最近記憶中最受期待的遊戲硬體之一。儘管關於控制台的硬性細節仍然很少,但仍有一些引人注目的謠言四處流傳。

例如,如果控制台不是完全可移植的控制台,則很有可能實現移動集成。 PS也可以玩幾代硬體的遊戲,並允許玩家與其他平台上的人建立聯繫。由於副駕駛模式,零載入時間,增強的VR功能和新的訂閱服務,該系統還將改變人們玩遊戲的方式。 PlayStation 5的耗電量也將低於任何以前的系統,並以約500美元的價格推出。


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  1. "500 bucks just feels like the perfect price point!"
    Yes and no. The price of the console is getting closer to be worth building a gaming PC instead to a point. Add the cost of PS+ (full price) over the life cycle (PS+ could see a price increase) then games might cost $10 more per year on top of it.
    I hope the PS5 will be $399 and the controller will be a normal controller with no touch screen or touch pad. The PS4 touch pad wasn't used in most games and if I remember correct the rear touch pad on the Vita was also not used in most games to.

    It will be interesting to see what Sony releases and how much it will cost and what it would cost in PC parts once the console is fully released and the public can see what it can really do.

  2. Wait but if they change the touchpad into a touchscreen that means we cant play Detroit become human anymore?

  3. 1989, 5 elementary school kids grouped together trying to beat Super Mario 3 during those summer breaks, yea it's always been social.

  4. If next gen gaming is all about social activities and game streaming the Microsoft and Xbox have already created all over Sony and PlayStation… and that』s a fact! I think you need to look beyond the features Microsoft has been doing for years and is much better at, and find a new angle to sell the PS5.

  5. $500 is too high. it will be 400-450… Sony learned as did XBOX… they need to take the loss to install the base. it is how it works. did you mention the cartridge? or did i just miss it?

  6. Man wanna get excited. But… I'll probably wait 5 years or more before I get one. There's so much good PC hardware that consoles don't get me too excited anymore.

  7. PlayStation already has PSNow, which is the same as game pass. So idk what you mean by there are rumors to have something like Xbox』s game pass

  8. Sony already has a game subscription service…. PS now… On PS4, PS4 and PS2 games are downloadable… So if PS5 is fully backwards compatible all games should be downloadable or streamable…

  9. Remote play makes a portable PS5 sound like a rumor. Get a clip to hold your phone onto your DS4 controller and it works nicely.

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