iPhone 12尺寸變化逗趣新PRO策略?!

在Pocketnow Daily上,我們在亞馬遜上有幾款Android手機的交易,包括Galaxy Note 10 Plus。高通公司剛剛推出了3種新的4G晶元,其中包括遊戲晶元。華為計劃不久後發布一款價格低於150美元的5G智能手機。 OPPO Find X 2可能會帶來2部44MP自拍相機和一部出色的主相機。三星Galaxy S20系列的新價格標籤和日期已經出現。最後,一份新報告為我們提供了有關iPhone 12系列的更多詳細信息和尺寸。


-三星Galaxy Note 10+
-Google Pixel 4
-Google Pixel 4 XL
-LG G8 ThinQ
-索尼Xperia 10
-索尼Xperia 10 Plus

2:32-三星Galaxy S20的新泄漏為我們提供了可能的價格和發布日期
3:32-這是即將推出的配備雙44MP自拍相機的OPPO Find X2嗎?
4:28-新的6.7英寸iPhone 12可能具有更大的攝像頭感測器






  1. if its smaller then the Iphone XS (5.8 inch) it will be weird unless you have small hands..i think im gonna get the bigger model but not the ridiculous plus size

  2. Apple can do whatever they want…and still have amazing sales…Google is like a reboot machine…htc is dead…Sony is lucky to be here…one plus is killing… Huawei is unscathed…

  3. Manufacturers need to start making premium phones smaller. Ever plus or pro model is over 6 inch screen and not everyone wants a massive phone. I hold off on upgrading just because almost every new phone is just getting bigger and bigger. I held on to a galaxy s6 for almost 3 years then upgraded to a midrange phone just to have a normal sized phone.

  4. I stopped watching when Jaime said "not that bad given the leaked specifications"

    Dude… €1300 for a freaking phone is not that bad??? Are you insane??? Be sensitive enough for your viewers

  5. My s9 is 5.8in. I can't go any bigger. I have a real slim base on it and it makes my phone 6.2in. I can't hold it comfortably in one hand now. I came from an s6 which was 5.1in. When 5g is the norm with phones. I'm going to go with the company who make their phone 5.8in or smaller. I like Samsung, but they sizing me out and I will have to look at other alternatives due to samsung starting to make tablets as phones.

  6. I love smaller screen size it's far more easier and looks more premium. It is completely my own opinion considering i have a smaller hand and not being a fan of big ass phone that feels like a brick inside my pocket

  7. Jaime the apple $martphones certainly are not shrinking their price$ for their customers but as long as that damn notch is still present in the 2020 keynote line up then i,ll just pass until maybe 2022 but the real mystery
    lies in the fact of a wireless portless version in 2021 and not really knowing the fate of their lightning cables
    or using usb-c is an interesting financial proposition upgrade to consider and with the functionality of a 5g
    hit or miss being promoted by the us cellular carriers in each of the major cities in 2020 and beyond.

  8. Yes, i would prefer better cameras instead of higher specs in 5,4」 IPhone I』d be perfectly fine with a12 chip inside and had new updated cameras back/front and big battery.

  9. iphone 12 will launch in another 9 months.what need to discuss every month will change.better discuss next quarter next

  10. after calling it Max only one word is above that's left is iMAX (IMAX) or UMax (Ultra Max) iPhone Pro UMax
    ps: they may don't want use SMax (Super Max) coz sammy will have that
    or they're using the 'U' (Ultra) moniker for next 'S' lineups ?

    ? all this is becoming too confusing ?

  11. I was going to buy the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra but the iPhone 12 is going have a 5nm Apple A14X Bionic Chip wish is faster than most of the CPU in the MacBooks also improved battery

  12. Samsung continues to push the boundaries when it comes to there devices and all apple does is change the color of the new iphone from midnight green to navy and expects that to be a feature. That's why I gave up on Apple.

  13. I literally moan about the Apple deal segment every day AAAAHAHAHAHAHA, i love this channel but their obsession with so called Apple deals is crazy, also, £1300 for a phone is insane, it actually borders on criminal. My 75 inch 4K TV was only £2400 FFS.

  14. I hope all phones with 5G have an option to deactivate the 5G part while keeping 2G, 3G and 4G active. Too soon for activating 5G on phones many places around the world yet.

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