
奧斯卡金像獎獲得者華金·菲尼克斯(小丑),蕾妮·齊薇格(朱迪),勞拉·登恩(婚姻故事)和布拉德·皮特(曾幾何時在好萊塢)是否立於不敗之地?斯嘉麗·約翰遜(Jojo Rabbit,婚姻故事)或亞當·Driver(婚姻故事)會令人沮喪嗎?與安妮·湯普森(Indiewire),皮特·哈蒙德(Deadline),湯姆·奧尼爾(Tom O’Neil)(金德比)和蒂姆·格雷(Variety)一起觀看2020年奧斯卡的最終預測。

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金德比(Gold Derby)提供名人視頻以及專家預測。誰將贏得奧斯卡,艾美獎,格萊美獎,托尼斯獎,金球獎獎以及頂級電視真人秀節目「美國偶像」,「配音」,「倖存者」,「驚人的種族」,「與星共舞」等等。 。

  1. Klaus is one of my top 5 films of 2019 along with Parasite, Marriage Story, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and Ford vs Ferrari.

  2. Brando felt he was fucked over by Paramount on THE GODFATHER so there was no way in hell that he would ever have agreed to appear in GODFATHER 2 – even with the best de-aging technology.

  3. Very disrespectful of Anne to say that Joaquin made Joker the movie what it was when people behind the camera worked tirelessly to make that movie the way it is. Specially to Todd Phillips whose vision it was and convinced Phoenix to do the role. Phoenix was phenomenal but that movie was great too.

  4. Is Renee Zellweger and Brad Pitt really locks for their respective nominations??? Cuz some would argue some of their co-nominees were more deserving of that award. I found Judy and Rocketman average biopics. Sure the performances were good but the whole film did not have an impact on me.

  5. Why are they considered experts just because their old??? They seem to have a particular mindset with movies and anything that's considered a genre movie they don't think should be an oscar contender because they like the same old boring stories and political agendas

  6. I recently saw "Jojo Rabbit" and thought that Scarlett Johansson gave it meaning. I could've done without the slapstick 'comedy'/imaginary Hitler bit. The kids were also superb but, Johansson in the dinner scene, gave the movie heart. Then "Jojo" near the end, tying her laces just ended me!

  7. I am not here for this race. I lost interest days ago and I don't think I will be watching to be honest. Don't see any major upsets. Best picture will probably be 1917 and director will be Parasite or vice versa.

  8. Joaquin Phoenix and René Zellweger are invincible. Brad Pitt and Scarlett Johansson are apriori winners.. I don't understand why Motherless Brooklyn and The Professor wasn't nominated..

  9. Just saw Gladiator for the first time in a couple of years – Joaquin is incredible in it and matched it with Crowe who was at the top of his acting game.

  10. Why aren't they talking much about JOKER????? Anyway the only 3 Oscar winning i'm waiting for and i care this yr is "For Sama" Best Documentary, "HoneyLand" Best Foreign Language and the Best Actor Joaquin Phoenix…

  11. This year』s Oscars are so boring. 2019 had a much stronger selection of films that were nominated which made the awards season so fun and exciting to watch because every awards show had a different winner. BoRhap won the GG for Best MP Drama, Black Panther won the SAG for Acting Ensemble, Glenn, Gaga and Olivia battled hard for Best Actress, the controversy with Green Book, little films like Roma and The Favourite always being present. This year it』s been just 1917, Joker, Once Upon a Time and The Irishman… and what do all those films have in a common, a bunch of white dudes back in the day killing people, yeah so amazing and Oscar worthy ?

  12. My prediction:

    Visual Effects: 1917/Avengers Endgame
    Editing: Parasite
    Sound Editing: 1917
    Sound mixing: 1917
    Score: Joker
    Song: Rocketman
    Production Design: 1917
    Cinematography: 1917
    Makeup and Hair: Bombshell
    Costume: Little Women
    Original Screenplay: Once upon a time in Hollywood
    Adapted Screenplay: Little Women
    Supp. Actress: Laura Dern (potential spoiler: Scarlett Johansson)
    Supp. Actor: Brad Pitt
    Actress: Renée Zelwegger
    Actor: Joaquin Phoenix
    Director: Sam Mendes
    Film: Parasite/1917

  13. joaquin's untouchable.
    i think johansson would pull an upset by winning over zellweger.
    n if there's an upset in the supp. actress, i feel kathy bates might be the one surprisingly beating dern.
    but, who knows..scarjo might just break the tradition..n be the first ever actor to win BOTH of her acting nominations.

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