布萊恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)獲得電視劇最佳男主角-2020金球獎

布萊恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)在第77屆年度金球獎頒獎典禮上獲得電視連續劇男演員最佳表演獎。

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全球喜劇巨星里奇·格維瓦(Ricky Gervais)以其獨特而傳奇的方式,將在第77屆年度金球獎頒獎典禮上再次第五次擔任主持人。金球獎將作為2020年度頒獎典禮的正式開始。好萊塢外國新聞協會(HFPA)對25個類別(電影中的14個類別和電視中的11個類別)進行了投票。金球獎頒獎典禮通常被稱為「好萊塢年度聚會™」,是日曆上最大的實時觀看之夜之一。這也是將電影和電視獲獎者結合在一起的為數不多的獎項之一。

布萊恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)獲得電視劇最佳男主角-2020金球獎


  1. WHY do u not include the nominees reaction when their name is called out. Pls include the announcement of nominees next time, flops.

  2. Yay he WON! Brian Cox is a brilliant character actor, I just adore his work. The first performance of his that I saw was in Braveheart, he played William Wallace』s uncle, and even tho it was a very brief role, I remembered him. One of the funniest roles he has ever played was in The Long Kiss Goodnight. Haven』t seen Succesion but it』s on my watchlist.

  3. Finally!! After all those years it』s always the same people winning this awards. You』re truly deserving of it for bringing life to a movie.I grew up watching you in movies.Congrats!!!!!!

  4. congratulations to Brian Cox, what a genuine speech…..but obviously I was here for a glimpse of a Jon Snow and Edmure Tully reunion, and an Ygritte as a bonus….

  5. Its so funny that most of these clips havent even broke 1k views in an hour, yet the gervais monologue uploaded at the same time has 130k views haha. No one cares about hollywood. Beautiful.

  6. loooove succession so much, thought brian cox was great. but jeremy strong was the star for me in this show. absolutely genius performance

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