4位奧斯卡專家預測Slugfest:最佳影片= 1917,寄生蟲,小丑?煩亂?

觀看Pete Hammond(截止日期),Anne Thompson(獨立電影),Tom O’Neil(金德比)和Tim Gray(綜藝)爭奪2020年奧斯卡最佳影片,導演和編劇的預測。 「 1917年」,「異國風情」,「愛爾蘭人」,「小丑」,「好萊塢往事」,「福特訴法拉利」,「小女人」或「婚姻故事」會勝利嗎?

Shane Whitaker和Andrew Merrill製作的視頻

訂閱Gold Derby:https://www.youtube.com/user/goldderby








金德比(Gold Derby)提供名人視頻以及專家預測。誰將贏得奧斯卡,艾美獎,格萊美獎,托尼斯獎,金球獎獎以及頂級電視真人秀節目「美國偶像」,「配音」,「倖存者」,「驚人的種族」,「與星共舞」等等。 。

  1. 「Highly Unlikely」

    And now it』s HISTORY!!! Parasite was hands down the best movie of the year. Yes, it made history. But it rightfully won because it was the best. I』ve seen it three times now, and it gets better with every viewing. So nuanced, so powerful, so layered. It』s a brilliant modern masterpiece and I』m so glad the stuffy academy finally got it right.

  2. I think people are underestimating how foriegn Parasite is by the oscar standards. It is already locked as best foreign film. That alone will lower its chances of winning BP they'd rather give it to some other film.

  3. Lol I would love to see a "Joker upset." Watching the media shit their pants over Joker has been a thoroughly entertaining and satisfying. Just seeing it up there with all of those films is pretty cool, but seeing it "accidentally" win would be the highlights of this year.

  4. 1917 will win Best Pctire and Best Director, it's already swept all the guild awards, such as Golden Globes, PGA, DGA, and BAFTA awards, 1917 will also sweep the technical awards, Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best Editing, etc.

    Parasite will win Best Foreign Film as a consolation prize as well as Best Screenplay.

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood will win Best Supporting Actor, Brad Pitt.

    Joker will win Best Actor and Best Musical Score.

  5. 1917 will win Best Picture and Best Director. It has been sweeping all the guild awards, (Golden Globes, PGA, DGA, BAFTA, ETC)

    Parasite will win Best Foreign FIlm and Best Screenplay. GUARANTEED

  6. It's obvious some of them are intentionally avoiding mentioning 'Parasite', although I could see they had to admit from their gut that this year's best is Parasite. And another thing is that they are analyzing not as movie critics but as data analysts, just analyzing what happened before and which film won which awards this year, etc. I feel disappointed and wasted my time after watching since there was no good MOVIE experts' opinions…. I personally think Parasite should win the best film, shouldn't be ignored since it's a foreign film. If it happens, what can we say. It is Oscars and gonna be another same year that proves it is not an international film award but just a local movie ceremony in the U.S…. I still have a hope for Oscars and it has a very good opportunity this year when they have such a good foreign film. I look forward to 2/9!!

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