索尼再次退出E3! (即使PS5即將推出)

隨著索尼正式退出E3 2020,遊戲最大的貿易展覽會的未來將如何發展?電子娛樂博覽會的未來並不光明。


  1. They are backing away from E3 because they know the power of the upcoming Xbox. ??

    As far as I know, the Xbox one is going to be the most powerful console for the next two decades even more powerful than any PC in existence now and in the future. The technical aspects of the Xbox One are as follow:

    Ram = 2TB of DDR 10 + AI booster technology if additional Random Acces Memory is needed.

    ROM = 2PT (Peta bytes), put attention on this one it won't have 2TB, but rather 2PT of interlnal storage. ????
    The Xbox one won't have the already obsoleted SSD technology as an internal storage, it will rather used the upcoming "Resistive Random Acces Memory (RRAM) instead.
    RRAM is by far superior to any SSDs on the market today.
    GPU = AMD Quantum with 500GB of dedicated memory which could easily be boosted to 1TB if needed by the RRAM technology that will be implemented within Xbox internal stooge.

    CPU = AMD Apocalyps with integrated 35 nanometer GPU as additional graphical power booster for the main GPU and the RRAM technology. ? ? ? This is awesome.
    The Xbox one will also have an AI accelerator chip which has been designed to accelerate Artificial Intelligence applications.

    The Xbox resolution will be 15360*8640: 16K Digital Cinema With future placement technology to further boost resolution to 20K when needed.
    … And there is more, a lot more that have not been said about the upcoming Xbox. The upcoming Xbox will be the console that will rule the video game world and the PC world in general for decades to come.

  2. I won't buy the PS5. They us tin alloy solder in their PlayStations which is junk and the reason why they have so many problems!!
    And the PS4 didn't have the media center platform like the PS3, I'm done with them.
    I've spent thousands of $$$$ on them and they can't meet my requirements? I'm done with them…

  3. It』s your damn JOB to go! Saying attending a major convention isn』t worth your time when it』s your damn JOB is lazy as f and a disservice to your readers/viewers. You are supposedly PROFESSIONALS and can make it worth your time. I hate this attitude from once well respected news outlets. What a joke.

  4. Cause all they have is there almighty logo lmao! Who believes sony is gonna have another PS3 launch again? I truly believe there already behind. Just look at the specs! 12.19 for xbox and 9.2 tflops for the already inferior PS5. 30% more power with the X and this is at launch! WOW!

  5. ???? sony clearly has nothing to show like last year and its obvious they dont want that weak ps5 compared to series X on the big stage for everyone to see

  6. Sony knows it』s a bust they are champions they don』t need e3 to prove or make people by there consoles they』ve already won this generation again

  7. President of sony,said ps5 will no longer announcer at e3 2020 as to be skip….ps5 will be same as Xbox one x at the first launch, but sony will improve at the second launch of ps5 and it will back to most powerful console again..there are many things that ps5 performance will be not on last powerful launching on Xbox series..however sony just not typically study hard on their exclusives, because they will bring back higher performance than Xbox last launch

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