
亞當·Driver(「婚姻故事」)能否擊敗華金·菲尼克斯(「小丑」)獲得最佳男演員?蕾妮·齊薇格(「茱蒂」)是否立於不敗之地?還是Charlize Theron(「重磅炸彈」)或Scarlett Johannson會佔上風?觀看Tom O’Neil(金德比),Pete Hammond(截止日期),Anne Thompson(Indiewire)和Tim Gray(綜藝)的熱烈討論。

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金德比(Gold Derby)提供名人視頻以及專家預測。誰將贏得奧斯卡,艾美獎,格萊美獎,托尼斯獎,金球獎獎以及頂級電視真人秀節目「美國偶像」,「配音」,「倖存者」,「驚人的種族」,「與星共舞」等等。 。

  1. Just seen the noms from Australia and Awkwafina Not nominated……scarlet Johansen has two nominations, De Niro not nominated I don』t think

  2. once about a time ,. was one of the worst movies i have ever seen! it was a mess and seemed like 3 movies mashed together. remember it is a popularity contest and a , we like you this year . FYI : MOST REAL PEOPLE THINK JUDY AND RENE AS JUDY IS AWFUL !

  3. I have seen them all. There』s no way Joaquin Phoenix doesn』t get the award home. We just witnessed the performance of this century. Simple as that.

  4. I'm disappointed the panel didn't even mention Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe as possible long shots for nominations for their roles in The Lighthouse. They were brilliant; Dafoe's performance as supporting actor was as powerful and raw as it gets and Pattinson's performance so inspired it's helped many diehard Batman fans retract their original concerns over him being named as the next Caped Crusader. I don't expect wins since the film is classified as horror (although I think suspense more aptly describes The Lighthouse), but I think they should at least be part of the discussion for nominations.

  5. You have a clipboard that you are constantly looking down at yet you chose not to say Awkwafina』s name. This is ridiculous.

  6. I like the final predictions.

    I don』t know what is with this Tim guy. He seems so out of touch. I agree that Antonio Banderas is good but the Academy likes to award and honor a career that earns it. Joaquin has done his time. Antonio has been around but his career has been mostly about entertainment and he little substance.

    Jennifer Lopez better not get an Oscar nomination. I get so tired of singers just waltzing into acting like it』s so easy and think they deserve an Oscar. They haven』t earned it. It』s a similar story to Antonio. She』s been around but she』s spent most of her career singing and as an entertainer.

    And what is with this crap about not voting for A Marriage Story because it』s a difficult subject matter to swallow? Are you kidding me? That』s precisely the reason why it deserves oscars because the material is so real and very convincing. You believe the characters as they go through this divorce. It』s very heartbreaking. If a performance makes you uncomfortable that means it』s a good performance.

    Some actors do win multiple oscars. Duh! But this is not the year for Leo to win his second. For someone to win more than once it still has to be the right timing and role. Tom Hanks won back to back years because the timing was right and so was the role and so was the competition. This is not the year for that.

    I think Renee is a shoe in. I think it is bs to rule out younger voters. We know who Judy Garland is, okay. She is phenomenal in it. You can』t base that on one person who doesn』t know. The academy knows. I think these journalists are all maybe a little out of touch.

    I feel like the supporting actress category is weak. I guess Laura Dern is good but she has like one moment to actually act, otherwise any competent actress could play her part. That』s one thing I hate about this craft and the awards. It』s just about who lands the role that can determine winning an award sometimes. It』s not as if they』re not talented but with a role like Laura』s it doesn』t take much to sell it. There』s no real meat. There』s no real arc or change in the character. It just sort of sits there. But she did her job. She did what she was supposed to do. But I don』t think there』s enough there worthy to award. And again, I don』t think the category is very strong.

    The voting isn』t just about who is the best. I wish it was but it』s not. It factors in so many things. The academy makes the mistake by titling each category with 「best」 because it』s all subjective. Art can never legitimately be a competition. It should be about honoring someone and their entire career than about a single performance. Adam and Joaquin will probably go head to head but I think Joaquin has put in more time. Adam will get there eventually.

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