
在本周的《為您考慮》中,對撞機大獎專家Scott Mantz,Perri Nemiroff和Jeff Sneider考察了11月中旬最佳影片競賽的位置。在《愛爾蘭人》和《婚姻故事》之間,有兩個Netflix影片名列前茅,這兩個影片目前都在精選影院上映,之後才開始播出。同時,好萊塢電影《曾幾何時》顯示出持久的力量,而棘手的大屠殺喜劇《喬喬兔子》可能會受益於Fox Searchlight的獎項專業知識。

同時,福特訴法拉利是可以引起提名的主流眾籌者,格蕾塔·格維格(Greta Gerwig)改編的《小女人》也是如此。更不要說韓語驚悚片《寄生蟲》,A24的《告別》,山姆·門德斯的戰爭史詩《 1917年》和克林特·伊斯特伍德的《理查德·傑威爾》,更不用說房間里的800磅大猩猩了-小丑,票房收入超過900美元全球百萬。傑夫還認為,將像《皇后樂隊》和《史萊姆》,《正義之路》和《海浪》這樣的電影排除在外是不明智的,這些電影可能會從學院最近的多元化推動中受益。

選民是否更可能擁抱Netflix電影,韓國流派電影或有關納粹的喜劇?現在說還為時過早,但是FYC幫派渴望整個賽季都遵循這些思路,因此請觀看或聆聽,並確保在下面留下評論。請記住要在社交媒體上喜歡並分享此視頻,然後訂閱該頻道以獲取Collider的更多獎勵內容,包括ArcLight Cinemas全新FYC放映系列的詳細信息。





  1. "That's also assuming women are voting for something with an agenda" Thank. you. Would I like to see more movies nominated/winning that are female driven? Yes. Would I vote for a male driven movie if I felt it was the best choice that year? Also yes.

  2. jeff, the edgy attitude doesn't make you interesting, it just makes you sound like a bitter, middle-aged white man who is afraid of change and who wishes things were like 'the good old days'.

  3. I liked JoJo fine, but the argument that a child of that age is too naive to understand doesn't hold water for me and isn't what the movie is saying at all.

  4. Ok so a argument in here was that this was pescis best performance. That will say better than raging bull, goodfellas and casino, but brad pitts performance in once upon was the best one this year. I struggle a little bit here. That logic will say that pitts performance in once upon was better than pescis in goodfellas,casino and raging bull too? Come on now. This rhetoric is absurd. Pescis performance in the irishman was not better than raging bull, casino or goodfellas, but still way better than pitts performance in once upon. No question about that. Pitt played the usual nonchalant straight forward guy with no emotions attached. Dont sink into the trash culture nowadays. Dont get me wrong, pitt did an ok role, but nothing spectacular. The problem nowadays t
    Is the trash culture where everybody with no historic knowledge thinks this is the best, but in reality is far from it. Stop it please. It should be enough that the music industry is ruined

  5. Jeff saying Parasite is about the haves and have nots and so it eont be nominated by the haves of Hollywood, and yet they nominated Roma…also about the haves and have nots, netflix backing regardless!!! Your credibility is gone Jefff!!! LOL

  6. I think just like with Million dollar Baby. Clint Eastwoods the Balled of Richard Jewel can win best picture and the actor that plays Richard Jewel and Sam Rockwall looks like they are amazing. Clint Eastwood for best director, and Kathy Bates for best supporting actor.

  7. Parasite must be nominated and i hope it wins it all. It is such masterpiece on pacing and the social commentary is sharp and it hits home for people in Korea, latinamerica and i hope Hollywood as well.

  8. This was funny. Starts out all indy, artsy and FL and ends with academy reality…. Tarantino vs Scorsese. Loved Once Upon a Time in America. Loved the ending! Hilarious. Classic Tarantino. Can't wait to see The Irishman.

  9. Academy is a local show!! Parasite will not win best picture cuz this is Hollywood!!! It is about popularity among haves and minority will not supported from the majority!!

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