





  1. What also makes absolutely no sense is that they nominated Willem Dafoe for The a Florida Project back in 2017 but not for the The Lighthouse lol makes no sense whatsoever

  2. Willem Dafoe should definitely be there. I love Pacino and Pesci but they're basically playing characters that they've played before. Dafoe spoke in an old English dialect and was amazing. The Nightingale is an Australian film that is getting ignored as one of the best foreign films of the year. I knew Waves would be ignored but it's one of the greatest dramas that I've ever witnessed and is my favorite movie of the year. I'm happy with the Joker, Parasite and OUATIH nominations.

  3. The Academy don't like horror, they didn't nominate Toni Collete when she easily gave the best performance out of anyone last year. Also The Lighthouse is just too weird for the academy, they usually nominate crowd pleasers, not weird films like The Lighthouse.

  4. Joker literally robbed so many films with its bullshit noms that it didn』t deserve. only nom it kinda warranted was Best Actor even tho i personally think Joaquin』s performance is super overrated. anything and everything for Uncut Gems, The Lighthouse, The Farewell, and Portrait of a Lady on Fire were the biggest snubs.

  5. Yes, The Lighthouse was seriously snubbed (not suprised), but also so many women were snubbed aswell, and I see nobody talking about it.

    Akwafina in The Farewell, Ana de Armas in Knives Out, Lupita Nyong'o in Us (women in horror have always given some of the bravest, rawest amd most emotional power-house performances, yet they almost never even get nominated), Florence Pugh in Midsommar (if there must have been a double nomination, it should have been her, not Johansson), Greta Gerwig for best director (for adapting one of the most beutiful and beloved novels in a fresh but respectable way; also, shame for AGAIN nominating her film for pretty much every category except best director), and the directors of Portrait of a Lady on Fire and The Nightingale, etc…

  6. everything about the irshman was bad… the acting especially . why do i still pay attention to these award shows

  7. Thank you so much for being up bright and early for this review. Of course, we know how much the Academy sucks for snubbing people! I'm glad for Jo Jo Rabbit!

  8. The lack of respect A24 got for some of the most brilliant films of the year was unforgivable. The Lighthouse — an A24 film — did get nominated for Best Cinematography, but seriously, while I felt Robert Pattinson deserved a Best Actor nom (not saying a win, but a nomination, anyway), there's no question Willem Dafoe should have gotten a nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Parasite Peach, I agree and WILL say it loud and clear…WILLEM WAS ROBBED! Then also, what about Uncut Gems and Midsommar? AND, while I wouldn't want a woman recognized simply because of her gender … the complete snubbing of the deserving work by women directors, like Gerwig for Little Women or Scafaria for Hustlers … is sad.

  9. Its not fair when we only hear your cat and not see. Please make all your future videos with your cat…more subscribers guaranteed

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