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#Joker #JokerOscars #JokerMoive #Oscars。

  1. I hope Joaquin wins for best actor again ! I want it to win best picture more then 1917, it was way better in my opinion. But I do believe 1917 will win . The Irishman was amazing , but it won't win because it's a Netflix film and the Oscar's don't respect Netflix and Anazon and on and on. Loved Ricky G hosting the GG , his jokes were amazing!

  2. Joker is deeply disturbing and except for RD's performance that was subpar the movie was fantastic. I do not watch any of the awards show. It is just a monthly cattle call of Hollywood preaching to me by ill informed people. They just read from a.prepared script

  3. Usually the Oscars are more political than the Golden Globes when it comes to who they hand out awards to which isn't saying much LoL. But if any movie deserves to win it would The Joker and the same goes for Joaquin.

  4. It's getting nominated because two of the Oscar's Hollywood princes , Robert De Niro and Alec Baldwin are in it. Which they're both two of the top dogs of woke in Hollywood.

  5. Stoked Joker got so many nominations. I didn』t see a lot of movies in 2019 but Joker was the best I one saw.
    But Aren』t they worried that some impressionable actor will do a mass shooting at the oscars? I hear That』s what happens when any plays scenes from Joker in front of a large audience.

  6. Annnddd the salt is flowing from the Hollywierd folks who hate this movie ?. It could get snubbed but frankly the fact it has been nominated speaks volumes.

  7. Well I haven't seen Marriage Story or the Rise of Skywalker, but I bet Adam Driver is happy as a clam in a shell for the nomination for Marriage Story.

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