


  1. Joker will end up 1 of 11. Go and watch Taxi Driver and you'll might end up being disgusted with Joker (a second rate photocopy of Taxi Driver). If the Academy gives this garbage the Best Picture award, then they should go back in time, take the award off Rocky then give it to Taxi Driver. Sorry, I was disgusted by Joker and how blatant and audacious Todd Phillips in stealing the themes and even the color pallet from Taxi Driver. What a shame.

  2. You didn't talk about Parasite. Its really something amazing that a foreign film got nominated for so many awards especially in the best film category. I hope it wins. And of course Joaquin too deserves it for his acting.

  3. So happy for Joaquin ??☺️ I knew before I』d even seen Joker that he』d absolutely smash it, he』s just an incredible actor. Hope he finally wins the Oscar! ?✨

  4. I'm so happy for all the nominations that Joker got! ? As for some of the snubs i think Avengers: Endgame should've been nominated for original score instead of Star Wars, Alita: Battle Angel should've been nominated for visual effects, and i was totally shocked when Maleficent: Mistress of evil got nominated for best costume design over Rocketman.

  5. The Farewell got snubbed too. Especially Awkwafina and the Grandma in the acting categories. Their family dynamics felt really authentic and real to me. Such a shame. 🙁

    But I'm so happy for Joker!

  6. when this movie came out Joker that is I saw it getting a few nominations but not 11 and leading the pack holy shit does it now have the voters to win best picture I can actually see that I would not be surprised

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