誰將贏得最佳男主角? | 2020年奧斯卡預測(2020獎項季)

誰將贏得最佳男主角?這是《先鋒》第二集的討論主題。上周,我們給出了2020年奧斯卡早期預測,而談話的重點是圍繞2020年最佳男演員預測。亞當·桑德勒(Adam Sandler)和埃迪·墨菲(Eddie Murphy)的表演獲得了很多讚譽,他們能否獲得提名?亞當·桑德勒能否贏得奧斯卡獎?這個獎項的季節已經成形,可以與《愛爾蘭人》,《好萊塢時光》,《婚姻故事》,《小丑》以及其他具有重大奧斯卡潛力的2020年奧斯卡電影競爭,從而具有令人難以置信的競爭力。仍然有一些通配符,但2020年的奧斯卡可能會是最近記憶中最好的一些。埃迪·墨菲會被提名奧斯卡獎嗎?格里芬(Griffin)和泰勒(Tyler)為您提供最佳男演員獎的細目!



一定要簽出並訂閱我們的James Bond和Westworld播客!




  1. Joaquin Phoenix performance is one of the greatest performances for an actor I have ever seen. Put him there with Deniro in Raging Bull and Tom Hanks in Forest Gump.

  2. It's a really tough race, but think best actor is going to Driver or Sandler. Leo's not really doing any campaigning and he already had his never-won-yet campaign a few years back. I think he's going to be nominated because a lot of people saw the movie and really liked him in it, but I feel very confident that he won't win. I think it's going to be a while until it comes around to him. Phoenix was good in Joker, but I think the movie didn't land with enough people. Either folks thought it was fantastic or it was ridiculously over-hyped which I think won't do well for his chances (I also would not be shocked if I was wrong). I'd like to see Murphy get nominated and possibly win, but I would not be surprised if he was over looked. I think DeNiro has a good shot even though the Globes weren't going for him.

  3. Joaquin Phoenix has been overdue for an Oscar since getting snubbed for Walk The Line. This is his year. No matter who impressed more nobody this year deserves to win more than Joaquin Phoenix. He is this year's Rami Malek for sure. Everyone was so sure on Christian Bale last season and I personally think Christian Bale gave a way better performance just like I'm sure Adam Driver gives a Dustin Hoffman Oscar worthy Kramer vs Kramer winning performance but Driver will have his time. Joaquin has been nominated three times. This will be his fourth. It took five for Leo. Don't wish the same on Joaquin. He's too phenomenal of an actor to not have an Oscar and if there was ever a time for him to win this is it. He won't get nominated for the sequel even though he'll probably give an even better performance in that film but right now this is his. I've noticed that the people as of late as in movie fans and watchers have kind of been pushing the Oscars to go more towards what the people want and Rami Malek was a huge example of that. He completely just snuck in and swept and everyone supported him. Just like I think Tom Hanks is finally getting in this year and he might win his long overdue third Oscar for Best Supporting Actor which is the smart route to take because Best Actor is just way too stacked

  4. They don't take Adam Sandler seriously enough yet. Look at what they've done to Jake Gyllenhaal who's given great performance after great performance. Jake gave my favorite performance the year of Nightcrawler and he barely missed the cut. I see the same thing happening to Sandler & Murphy unfortunately. I think Leo is definitely still getting in. Bigger movie, more respected actor. He's getting in. Brad Pitt us a front runner for Supporting Actor. Leo is getting in. The other four I think it's gonna be Adam Driver, Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro & I think Jonathan Pryce gets in the fifth slot. Which means Sandler, Banderas, Murphy, Pattinson & Edgerton who I think gives a better performance as Elton John than Rami Malek did as Freddie Mercury who won the last Oscar. And then you have Christian Bale who I hear again really gives another great performance. Like the Best Actor race is so stacked this year. In fact the entire four categories are stacked. This is the biggest year for Oscars in a very long time. There's just way too many!!

  5. damn..never even heard of uncut gems! driver astounding,,,joaquin too .. murphy is not well liked in hollywood– banderas , deniro, egerton and dicaprio are all brilliant

  6. Think there would be a lot of backlash if Joaquin didn't win so the Academy will probably pussy out and give it to him. Shame. Not saying he's bad but there are much better performances that have been displayed this year. Haven't seen Uncut Gems but I'm really hyped by the trailer.

  7. 2020 Oscar predictions for Best Actor:


    Adam Driver – Marriage Story (WINNER)
    Joaquin Phoenix- Joker
    Adam Sandler – Uncut Gems
    Leonardo DiCaprio – Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
    Robert De Niro – The Irishman


    William Dafoe – The Lighthouse (WINNER)
    Brad Pitt – Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
    Kang-Ho Song – Parasite
    Al Pacino – The Irishman
    Joe Pesci – The Irishman

    I would absolutely love to see Pattinson get a nomination for The Lighthouse but sadly i think they』ll give Leo the nom over him.

  8. I'm so amped to see uncut gems! Having grown up with the sandman it's fantastic to see him get more praise this year. First his Netflix special now this! Is one of the most genuine people in Hollywood and I couldn't be happier. Good run down guys. You've got a new sub

  9. I don't think so, but… he will probably win an Independent Film Spirit Award next year even though Uncut Gems is an independent film. Joaquin Phoenix absolutely deserves it though since he actually dedicated himself to lose 50 pounds for this role as Joker.

  10. How did you guys see Uncut Gems? Also, do you really think Adam Driver will take it home over Joaquin? Personally I haven』t seen marriage story yet but I couldn』t imagine anyone topping Joaquin in terms of performance. Maybe it』s just the safe choice for the academy

  11. I was a bit critical of the audio setup last time but just wanted to say you guys sounded great this time and the show itself was awesome as usual. Thanks for doing these!

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