2020年2月最佳firetv越獄!通過最新的firetv Bully設置釋放真正的潛力

最新的firetv惡霸設置…所有最新和最出色的應用程序和apks …帶有完整的設置以及Kodi構建的不合適的Mod之一…這實際上是世界上最好的設置!內容比任何其他設置都要多十倍,而且只佔用存儲空間的一小部分哦。。。只要您使用它,它就會永遠保持最新狀態。 …在用Kodi構建的一個不合適的模組中設置的firetv惡霸西部,您的設備將做得更多,並且性能比您想像的要好!
注意:如果您在上傳這些視頻的幾個月後正在觀看這些視頻……我建議您轉到我的頻道並確保沒有這些視頻的任何較新版本…至少每個月一次或2次關於不合時宜的mods hardnox版本,Atomic版本和firetv Bully版本的新視頻…我還每月(有時每隔幾個月)在完整的firetv bully上製作新視頻

單擊以下鏈接以獲取第一個視頻…如何越獄設備並加快其運行速度…短短几分鐘之內即可從One Source獲得所需或需要的一切…觀看以下視頻,然後回到此視頻。 ..

如上所述,此設置與其中一個版本不正確的Mod一起是世界上最好的設置。…單擊以下鏈接以獲取不正確的mods firetv bully版本…

單擊以下鏈接以獲取不適合的mods hardnox構建…

單擊以下鏈接以獲取不合適的mods Atomic版本…

對於同一視頻,完整的firetv bully設置完畢,但在Android設備上…單擊以下鏈接…

  1. I previously only used my Firestick on the Xanax Kodi build that a friend of mine set up. But, I found you and reinstalled everything, including the Firestick jailbreak. What's my best option for accessing content? Through Kodi or each add on?

  2. The question I asked below about the ad free was when you was talking about the apks and I believe you said you didnt want the ad free ones, my bad if I wasnt specific

  3. Do u recommend the sd Maid pro to clean a 2nd gen f.s. ? I'm gonna upgrade to 4k next month ,but I was just wondering. I actually used the db asst app another guy recommended but I like ur vids so I wanted to ask ya?

  4. Educate me on why the ad free one is not good. I'm not being sarcastic I'm really asking as an amateur that doesn't know much

  5. Updated to last bully version 1.1 and all my favourites that I saved in fen are all marked as unwatched. Is there anyway you can fix this in the next update so that all watched series stay marked as watched after doing updates.

  6. Mostly everything works amazing. Just having problems with the mouse toggle and TV Tap takes a while to load so i chose Swift Streams instead and that works great. Love the vids man keep them up???

  7. Having trouble getting the toggle on the adguard on my fire tv device it will not come up the. If I double click it show for a second and goes away and fix to this or another alternative?

  8. I agree, it's good build. But why when the movies are play the sound of the movie wants to stop and play during the entire movie, no matter what add on I use this is the second time I have asked you. How can I fix this problem on this build.

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