

  1. Weakauras is pretty good for most raiders or dungeon dwellers. Works for timers to setup on what needs to be interrupted at a certain point or beams that certain bosses us to wipe raids.

  2. Savedinstances addon actually also tracks if you've done major events and assaults, daily quests, weekly rare mobs like the Sha of Anger and even has a complete ressource tracking (war ress, seals, etc) along with item level, AP and all if that's what you are looking for. You have the option in Interface>Addons to "always show" a set of characters you own in particular @SignsOfKelani. If not it will track only the ones that have something saved for the week.

  3. … These are "A LOT" of dailies, i mean they have a lot of different ones BUT its not a lot every day. Its quick and easy also handy notes is a must all the time, if you don't have it you are wrong.

  4. I never use Addons because I honestly LOVE the bacis layout of the game, I really enjoy the UI, but I might try Handynotes, since it doesn't change much in the game except from some icons in the map and look like a really useful tool! Thanks for the video 🙂

  5. Hey Kelani and COmmunity, for Azerite Gear i have an addon wich is, in my opinion better then this was Kelani showed. Its called AzeritePowerWeights. Its an addon which showes you the best trate for your current class. Also it shows u how much points u could have with this addon so u compare ur gear easylie. Thank u Kelani for ur help and this nice addons. 🙂

  6. Hey let s try savedinstance addon to track all your characters activities.
    See your dailies, weeklies, raid lockout, bonus loot, currencies and may others.
    You can configure every kind or thing you want to know about alts

  7. SavedInstances is a god sent for Altaholics, also QuestPlates go very well wil ThreadPlates to point quest objectives mobs (and much you still need to kill or loot from)

  8. I've given up on doing all the Dailys still gunna get exalted just a lot slower the Dailys are shit u don't need an addon for a quest in bfa it tells us where and what to do wtf lol the only Rares that matter are mounts fuck toys n alt gear fucken vendor that shit 55k war resources yawn

  9. RARESHARE – The addon that calls out rares and gives their coords and health percentage. If you have TomTom, it will pop up an arrow as soon as someone else with the addon sees a rare, and you can get there fast.
    EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT – very customizable, and can track anything you want. If you're on your alt and want to know if your main has done the lesser vision, you can have that info. (it's like a Super Todo List that you can access from any character. It's not automatic, though, you have to check the item off on your main, but if you're forgetful you can have the info there. Can track literally anything. If you're using a spreadsheet, though, you're ticking the item off when you do it already anyway. ExecutiveAssistant lets you keep that list ingame and view it on any character.)

  10. You might have already tried. but method alt manager tracks a fair bit of stuff. havent used it much this expansion myself. but one worth checking. in legion it kept up with ap and levels and stuff on artifacts of alts. so visions maybe.

  11. I can see how many vessels each of my toons have by using bagnon and mousing over the vessel in my bag. As for keeping track of other things, I'm not sure. Is altoholic still around? I'll have to check tomorrow before I log on.

  12. you asked, so here it goes… addons that i find make gaming a lot more fun instead of a massive headache, that you did not list… although ty for the head's up on the HandyNotes and WorldQuestList… because flying around to find events gets old… QUICK. And completely agree on the Commander for missions… been using that since tables were introduced in WoD – easiest way to tackle that monster time sink and get back to more important items in game… like figuring out what the weekly and wq's are… XD

    ones i can't live without:
    Healbot – muscle memory for healing the raid at a glance
    Decursive – point and click decursing, without having to find someone in the group – also has audio cues to let you know something you can cure just came up – roll overs and timers as well, so you can quickly decide if it's worth your cure CD
    Altoholic – because, alt management is a pain… and sometimes you just need to know who has a that boa map to unlock flightpoints

    nice to haves that make aspects of the game easier to keep up with, especially with alts:
    Fishing Buddy – turns fishing into a double click maneuver to cast, and a single click to loot… also will auto attach lures if you have them, and keep track of fishing spots, track percentage rate of fish caught in an area, etc etc
    MogIt – appearance tracker… also great for seeing whether or not you even want to roll on a piece of gear for the mog, or pass
    TomTom combined with PASTE – i did not use tomtom because trying to get all the way points in seemed a collossal waste of time, then i found out about PASTE, and that vanished. Paste enables the user to open up a script window in game, and paste in over 50 lines of waypoints, macro code, whatever you little heart desires… IN ONE HIT. oh yeah, momma like!
    Rematch – ability to save pet combos per fight, including what attacks you used the last time, and then when you come back you can load that group again
    QuestCompletist – altoholic must… tracks what quests you have and have not completed, as well as where to go next in the chain

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