小丑稱霸2020年奧斯卡提名| 「有毒」電影奪回好萊塢




#Oscars2020 #OscarNoms #Joker。

  1. Apparently casting someone only because of their race and not because of how talented they are is the right thing to do, and casting a very talented person who takes the role seriously is racist.

  2. If you think the movie was boring, good for you, you don't have to tell that repeatedly. Express you opinion and get over yourself, don't trash the comment section.

  3. I』m looking forward to the day when male to female transgenders start winning Oscars or what category a non binary person will be put in for best acting…..oh what an entertaining minefield that will be….

  4. In fact Scorsese hasnt won the Oscar 『so many times』 for directing…..just once for The Departed. Go figure!. Loads of Golden Globes though.

  5. worst movie tied TROS, Little Women, Cats, Herminator Dark Flop, Charlie's Angels, Little Women, etc we need to split the trophy or make copies of it.
    worst editing TROS (all the lightspeed hyperjumps crap scenes of and everything so fast my eyes bleed is like trying to mix up many different puzzles into one with hotglue).
    worst director Jar Jar Abrams (TROS).
    best actress or supporting actress Scarlett Johansson because i say so ;).
    worst actor Adam Driver or Ian McDiarmid (TROS). Yes Ian McDiarmid because that wasn't the Palpatine we looking for.
    congrats to Baby Yoda to be nominated for an Oscar… oh sh1t that one is Joe Pesci.

  6. Got to be honest I found I didn't like joker much, it was well made and very well acted and it deserves the nominations but I found it too depressing. I have no SJW axe to grind, the film just didn't appeal to me. It's annoying that if I happen to mention this to anyone they assume it's politically motivated, it's not. It's just not to my taste.
    It deserves to win some awards even if I didn't like it.

  7. There is that new ad with the dancing girl and the guy tries to come in to dance with her but that other chick blocks him…

    Wtf? Guys can't try dancing with girls anymore?!

    We gonna get to the point when no man anywhere will ever try to make a move on a girl they feel attracted to for fear of being seen as THAT guy.

    Fuck men, right?

  8. Hey Yellowflash you should watch Jojo Rabbit its a really good movie its basically about a boy who is from Nazi Germany and its set during WW2. Its directed by
    Taika Waititi

  9. I'm glad that Joker got the shitload of nominations that it did, but the Oscars have proven itself to be very agenda driven. It wouldn't shock me if it doesn't win anything. Unless a new movie straight up revolutionizes film and sets an entire new bar of quality, Joker has to take at least 5 or else it is confirmation that the Oscars are meaningless.

  10. Would like to see Joker get best picture as it was the best movie out since inception. Then should come 1917 then ford vs ferrari and then maybe Litttle Women.

  11. I don't really get it. I mean, why do people act like the oscars, golden globes, and these award shows matter at all. Why don't people just pick a movie that they like at that year instead of concerning about gatekeepers such as the oscars nominating niche movies that doesn't make that much money. I mean… by that logic movies like The Last Jedi, Aquaman, Black Panther, and Avatar are better just because more people see them and those studio films make more money. It's not because the movie has great direction, great screenplay, great acting, great cinematography, or anything like that. People just want to laugh to the SJWS that everyone hates on twitter for their stupid opinions on things instead and not because the movie is objectively better. I have nothing against Joker. Just stop acting like the gatekeepers at the oscars that only wants to protect their Hollywood industry against foreign movies suddenly matters just because you're biased yourself or because "this marvel dceu movie many people watched should get best picture just because the movie is more popular and not objectively better". The oscars have shown time and time again that they only nominate mostly drama movies and never cared about other genres or mediums such as horror, animation, and foreign movies in general.

  12. I'm getting really annoyed by the narrative publications are running with for the oscars in which too many WHITE MALES. Oh shut up CNN and New York Times. I would say most of the movies nominated deserved their nominations. Don't think forced diversity will improve movie quality. Can you NPCs understand that these are based on skill and quality and not race and gender? What a shallow way to think!

  13. Parasite should win everything it was nominated for. The obvious best film of last year
    But I wouldn』t be mad if little woman or 1917 won best picture

  14. Even if for a second we believe that Joker is a toxic bad movie, then this bad movie having so many nominations says a lot about the other movies' quality ?

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