







  1. Hi Jason, thanks so much for all the content. Can you shed some light on a Rugosa rose please? Bad idea? Good idea? Can it be controlled? I have three that are still in pots out of fear of it spreading uncontrollably and I』m a seasoned gardener, first plant to give me pause about planting it in my landscape. Thanks so much! ???

  2. It would be nice some advice on how to take care of a roses bed. I found that the most time consuming task is in early spring when I have to hoe the whole bed to get rid of weeds. This year I have slightly changed my routine and started hoeing AFTER having pruned rose and BEFORE pruning the perennials that I grow in between roses. I will fertilize in the next week. In the past I have lost lots of plants since I used to hoe after everything was pruned and I chopped many crown of herbaceous…I think I lost far more plants from uncarefully bed shaping than from diseases or dryness!! WHat's your routine and method for prepping the beds with established roses?

  3. Great information. No a fan of the grafted roses. While you might get good flowers for a few years, the top dies off and then you have the root stock coming on and those are not the flowers you were expecting. Had this happen in 3 roses planted in my mom's garden and had to deal with digging them up.

  4. Good video! There is definitely some flexibility in some of this, the Syracuse Rose Society plants a few hundred bare rooted roses each year, and the plants are blooming like crazy starting from the first year with our method (we have to do this because we are zone 5). 1) Bud Union exactly 2" below ground level (The reasoning not to have the scion take root, but to protect SOME of the scion from the bitter cold winds if there happens to be no snow cover in the winter, there is something to grow back. Sometimes we don't want the scion to root- like with gallicas, never heard the idea of wind-rock before. ) 2) We throw in a cup or two of bone meal and a quart of "pro mix" mixed into the ground soil to refill the hole. 3) Tamped down gently with a foot, there is always a pile of soil heaped up around the plant at first before it gets a chance to settle, and also because of the volume of the pro mix and amendments. This pile protects crown from those frosts the first month after planting which is done 4) 1 to 2 months before last frosts, we have even planted roses when there has been snow on the ground! and 5) As much sun as possible! (Some parts of the garden aren't getting the 6+ recommended, unfortunately and they do suffer for it, We try to get the city to take down as many old tree limbs as we can)

  5. Would you recommend putting worm castings or composted cow manure on top of the planted rose hole for a slow release effect are wait until it has some root development ( months or weeks)

  6. I have heavy clay which I have been amending over the last 15 years so that the top 20cm is very good wormcasts, but it soon becomes swampy lower down in winter, but is like hard clay or dust in summer. I used to follow advice to plant the crown below the soil – but EVERY variety of rose I had rotted – the branches turned black and died back. None ever self rooted. I have started planting at the crown level and they are now thriving. I guess it depends on your soil. If i had a more free draining soil I would plant deeper, but with heavy soils I suggest at the soil level or just above, and mulch around the crown.

  7. When picking a location, if you've had a rose die in the same location prior to when you want to plant, you need to consider why the original rose died. Some diseases persist in the soil for a few years after the plant dies.

  8. I live in Ottawa and I planted several roses with the bud union few inches below the soil (4-6 inches). The results are great ! They keep coming back and flower every year ! Some they die all the way back to ground and they grow from the buried canes. The only problem. Have is the Japanese beetles! They are troublesome in July and August

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